
Okami/ Loner/ M: Jabez Okami looked up at the big cat- bird hybrid. "Hello." She said, ( ack. Sorry it isn't longer. Having a lot of writers block.

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Hex/Loner/Female/M: Nox (faintly) Hex bored in the tree decided to risk it and jumped down with her paws just taking her somewhere as she had no destination in mind. She guessed Nox had gotten caught but Hex didn't worry about it. Much to her surprise and interest she saw some flowers and made her way over to them. She sat in front of the plants and her eyes brighten with joy at the flowers and berries. Juniper, belladona and thyme. Her blue eyes began studying them. Edited at April 6, 2024 06:01 AM by Feiella
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Juniper/Storm Colony Healer/Female/m: She ran over to the small river separating the Storm Colony and the Rose Colony to look for some white willow and peppermint in case anyone returned with a cold. She found some white willow next to the river and climbed up to get some. While up there she realized that the bark was slippery and she lost her balance. She fell out of the tree and landed in the mud, her red coat soaked. (This would be a great time for anyone to walk by and see her XD)

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Ember/female/Rose Head Guard/M: Juniper and Hex Ember was hunting for another rabbit when she smelled cat and a member of the Storm Colony. Deciding she will deal with the cat later, Ember made her way to the stream then searched until she came across someone in the mud. Staying on her side, Ember sat down and looked at the coyote-wolf mix. "What are you doing?", she asked coolly to the mud coated canine.
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Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Juniper, Ember Skylar trotted around, sniffing for the deer's scent hopefully, completely focused. Which caused her to trip. She yipped, her paws wildly paddling as she tried to climb back up the edge of the stream. She thought she was up, then her paw slipped. "Ow!" She yelped, falling into the stream. She coughed, standing up, then realized that Ember and Juniper were standing right in front of her. She winced, realizing that they'd probably seen it all. Why hadn't she smelled them? Darn it.

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Ember/female/Rose Head Guard/M: Juniper and Skylark Ember looked at the other Storm Colony member that had slipped and narrowed her eyes at the two that were soaked. She was surprised to see them but didn't show it and glanced between the two. "A healer and a tracker", muttered Ember then asked the tracker, "How did you not know I was here? I understand not noticing Juniper due to the mud but you should have known I was here".
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Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Juniper, Ember She rubbed her nose with a paw, a bit embarrassed. "I think I have a bit of a cold, or allergies. I don't know though. I guess I just didn't smell you?" She got up; wishing she could shake off, but not wanting to spray Juniper.

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Ember/Female/Rose Head Guard/M: Skylark and Juniper Ember thought for a bit then with a sigh, she stepped to the side and decided to be helpful. If Skylark did have a cold then being wet won't help and she doubt Juniper would enjoy getting more wet than she was. "Come over here and shake yourself. Don't mind getting me wet I already patrolled in the rain last night and had a swim this morning. Besides being wet won't help with your cold", offered Ember with no plans on telling her leader. Edited at April 6, 2024 10:54 AM by Feiella
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Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Juniper She shook off thankfully, and stretched. Then, able to smell again, she realized. "Wait. You're a rose colony member!" Her wet fur stood up. "Why are you here?" She wasn't gonna chase the Rose colony away, but she did have a right to know. And as patrol, she had to defend her pack's territory.

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Ember/female/Rose Head Guard/M: Skylark The vixen gave the hybrid a look that told her that Ember was not impressed though she had to give credit to the tracker for standing her ground but it was time to help her out. She circled the tracker before stopping and facing her. "Your territory? I'm Ember the head guard of Rose Colony and if you take a sniff then you will realize that you stepped over the border and into my territory", pointed out the red furred vixen coolly then added, "I was hunting and looking for a plant that my leader wants" Ember's left ear twitched as she regarded the tracker carefully.
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