
He nodded and continued walking. He was a bit agitated after the scare though. He looked around every once in a while. "Do you want to keep walking or should we start heading back?" He asked.

No no.. keep going." he said taking his hand off his shoulder " you know I would pretect you, right? I am known as a protector." he eyed Londie. He then got an idea " I have one way to calm you, but just relax" ( hes gonna do it... uh.....)

( O.O ) He tilted his head, confused. He looked at Chase and blinked.

He took a step forward before putting Londie against a wall. Holding him " This may hurt for a few seconds." he warned before biting into his neck. He let go a minute later " That should relax you for a few hours." ( He has a healing and relaxing tyoe of bite. Rare a poisonous one.. you thought he was gonna kiss him, did you?? haha not yet... too early)

( nupe i was very confused, very in character lol ) He stepped forward a bit and a shudder ran through his body, he then continued to walk and suprisingly felt very calm afterwards. He checked the time and it was about lunch time. He wondered if they should go back and eat.

( nupe i was very confused, very in character lol ) He stepped forward a bit and a shudder ran through his body, he then continued to walk and suprisingly felt very calm afterwards. He checked the time and it was about lunch time. He wondered if they should go back and eat.

Chase sighed " Im sorry... might as well head back to eat lunch" he said as he rubbed his neck

"Okay, sounds good to me!" He said, while turning back to go home. He blinked and then continued following the path.

Chase never used his calm part of his powrs on anyone before. except himself of course. But this was different " Come on.. lets get out of here before something lse happens... " he said speeding up a few paces. Why did I even bite him... I wasn't planning on doing that..

"Okay" he said, nodding in agreement. He noticed Chase speeing up so he also hurried to the car. The path seemed so much longer now that they were headed back. Everything went by in a strange kind of rush. He unlocked the car and got inside. He turned on the radio and turned the volume up.