
Okay, so uhh are we in a group together and we like start. Do you give us a starter?

Dawnforest said: can I join? I might get busy accationaly though, also how will this work?

Dawnforest said: Dawnforest said: can I join? I might get busy accationaly though, also how will this work?
I'll send you a forum in a little!

Found it finally Name: Busei Junal-Zish Race: Lizardfolk Age: 26 years old Gender: Male Orientation:Archer Eyes: Light purple Skin: Mixed brown and white Build: Muscular and Tall Hair: Blond Face: Sharp Strength: Agile, Archery Weakness: The cold

Name: Bhiahra Sahkpoor Name Pronounciation: Bee-Ah-Rah Suck-Pour(Hard R, almost like a purr) Race: Cat-Folk/Khajit Age: 21 Gender: Female Orientation: Combat Eyes: Bright golden amber Skin: White fur with black stripes that follow a tabby like pattern over her body. Hair: Same length and colour as rest of body. Build: Skinny build Face: Sharp and defined Strength: Natural enhanced vision in dim areas, enhanced hearing, natural affinity for climbing walls/ trees using claws, fur keeps most cold temperatures manageable. Weaknesses: Despises forms of water, sudden loud sounds will startle easily, horrible at logical thinking and maths.
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Blaze said: Found it finally Name: Busei Junal-Zish Race: Lizardfolk Age: 26 years old Gender: Male Orientation:Archer Eyes: Light purple Skin: Mixed brown and white Build: Muscular and Tall Hair: Blond Face: Sharp Strength: Agile, Archery Weakness: The cold
Your ability; Precision Shot. While in mid-air you make better shots, jumping, falling.

Tonneoshet said: Name: Bhiahra Sahkpoor Name Pronounciation: Bee-Ah-Rah Suck-Pour(Hard R, almost like a purr) Race: Cat-Folk/Khajit Age: 21 Gender: Female Orientation: Combat Eyes: Bright golden amber Skin: White fur with black stripes that follow a tabby like pattern over her body. Hair: Same length and colour as rest of body. Build: Skinny build Face: Sharp and defined Strength: Natural enhanced vision in dim areas, enhanced hearing, natural affinity for climbing walls/ trees using claws, fur keeps most cold temperatures manageable. Weaknesses: Despises forms of water, sudden loud sounds will startle easily, horrible at logical thinking and maths.
Your ability: Gravity strike. While in the motion of falling or jumping off anything above your enemy you do more damage.
