

I don't care what you have to do just please try.

Soren soon came back to the den with the deer. He dragged it inside then noticed that something was wrong. "What happened?" He asked panicked.

*still struggling to breathe* I was bit twice by a Timber rattlesnake which is venomous..... *begins to whimper* I killed it though It is over in the corner of the den..... OWWWWW!!! OOOOWWWW!!! The pain is getting worse...

Soren padded over to the snake and picked it up. "Well let's hope it still has a little venom left to make the anti toxin. I've seen a lot of wolves in my pack get bit by these and was able to catch the healer making remedies for them. He then found something that would be able to hold liquid and forced the dead snake to bite it so some venom came out. "I think that'll be just enough." He said before heading to quickly get some different herbs. He used his teeth to shred then small before using a stick to mix all the ingredients together. "You will need to lick up every last drop for it to be effective" He said bringing the mixture to spot. It'll take a few hours to fully work but you should feel better right away.

Ok. Thanks, Soren. * Begins to lick up the anti-toxin* Bleh! I'm not sure what states worse those leaves or this stuff. *finishes the ani-toxin* Thank you, Soren. Also when I was walking back to the den after getting bit I kept tripping and i think I might have sprained my paw but I'm not sure.

Good Morning Soren! Good morning Blue!

As Blue woke up, he let out a big yawn and stretched his body. His tail flicked up and then back down as he greeted Spot with a simple "Good morning." However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about what the day might bring.

Soren hadn't slept at all worried about the pups safety. When they woke he said good morning to each of them. "There's still some left over deer. Why don't you two eat some. Then we can go exploring." He told them knowing the pups needed to get out of the den. They can't stay coup up all the time.

Could it be that this day was turning out to be better than expected? With a respectful nod to Soren, he made his way over to the carcass and grabbed a small piece from the thigh. As he munched on the meat, he asked Spot where he had been injured. "If it's your leg, don't worry, I can fashion something to support your paw."