
kylian he/him _____________ location: abanded house _____________ kylian looks back at the tracker when the location keeps changing around a lot until it powered off kylian sighed and throws it then said " i through it was suppose to find people good but i guess it doesn't do so good" kylian walks to the kitchen and pulls out a something to eat and drink but the hard part was there was nothing kylian walks into the bedroom it didn't have a bed but he had a blanket and the pillow

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Run down Train _____________________ he groaned, now he'd have to travel to the old shop in town. Getting up he grabbed a black backpack. He couldn't come back until a few days. He put the locket in the pocket and staff-like weapons with hooked ends, if punctured you better hope that it wasn't deep enough of getting the hood-like edges out would be horrid. He put that on the second pocket that didn't have the net.

kylian he/him ________ location: abanded house _______ kylian lays on the blanket and sighed when the puppy started licking his face and kylian yells in spanish "deja de lamerme perro" (stop licking me dog) kylian push the dog away and sat up then pets the puppy and got up and walks out of the bedroom and out of the house with the puppy and looks around and smiles when he saw his friend that lived beside him

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: train tracks _____________________ Nathaneal raced through the tracks knowing that spies lived in the shadows not human spies but demonic-like spies. He noticed a shadow that hadn't seemed to disappear from view he turned to see it race after him. He yanked his hook from his bag and held it at his side. Noticing it lunged toward him and grunted and spun to the side letting the demon pass him and then spin to face him. He spread his legs and got closer to the ground for a push-off.

Kylian he/him ________ location: walking around _________ Kylian walks around and towards town again making sure nothing was following he was all ways alert about things he had his puppy on a leash while they walked that way the police doesn't take his puppy away for having no leash on kylian look at the walmart he was at and sighed what a abanded place that was

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: train tracks _____________________ Nathaneal squinted then the creature aimed a blow towards Nathans legs, he fell over then the creature had a hold on top of him. He took his left hand and grabbed the creature by the arm and began to twist it sideways. It howled and aimed a direct bite to his wrists. Nathan used his weapon by being able to use his right hand and knocking the creature in the head making it stutter off. He reached in his bad and held out a clear substance. It growled but stayed where it was giving nathan time to get out of there. Huffing as he enter broad daylight.

Kylian he/him _________ location: abanded walmart ________ kylian walks out and towards the main part of town and smiles when he looks down at the puppy and smiles before sing again in spanish he wishes he could buy something to use but he couldn't he had no money kylian walks downtown until getting blocked but couple guys and push against a wall and on says in spanish "sal de aquí" (get the hell out of here) kylian said " no eres mi jefe, así que sal de mi cara" (you not my boss so get out of my face ) the guy laughs and and pinned him against the wall and kylian puts the knife on his chest

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Down Town _____________________ Natheneal adjusts his bag and squints into the sky putting his hand beside the sun and the buildings. "four hours left." He'd mummer softly then turned away and began to run. His bag felt heavy so he found a bench and stopped un-noticeably putting his bag there but taking his weapon with him. He pointed the hook part towards the concrete. It was easy to get somewhere fast when more than half of the population had dissapeared.

Kylian He/him _______ Location:alley way _______ Kylian punches the guy before the other kick in and ran at him Kylian was ready for then and use the knife to stab on of them and then fights the other guy believe that the first guy who threatened him came back to fight after a while cops shows up and Kylian took off running into downtown to get away from cops

Nathaneal He/Him ___________________ Location: Down Town _____________________ Nathaneal heard the distant sirens "Shit their gonna bring the ghouls!" Nathaneal turned the other way and began to run then into a small alleyway. If there was another person they'd be uncomfortable. [Hey sorry for a month to reply! I had a lot to do and got so busy! I hope you don't mind me replying, you can drop this is if that's what you want]