
Blizzard raised her hackles, muscles tensing and crept over to her Frost, growling slightly. ... Noticing this strange behaviour Frost narrowed her eyes and looked around, pretending not to notice the darkening clouds or the occassional drop of water from the wolf's anxiety. "What is it girly?" Asked the alert girl, swiveling her head. What had the wolf noticed that she hadn't? With a flash of bluish light the girl automitically transformed. A shaggy light blonde wolf stood where a girl had just been, her eyes sparkling like sun on a lake, and if you looked closely you might think you even saw a ripple of water in the icy blue eye. Drops of strange shimmering water laced her fur but it wasn't wet, she looked like she had been coated in tear drop shaped diamonds. ... What had her wolf heard? The thoughts rushed through her head as the she-wolf's ears pricked up, alert.

"Dust Fern! Stop real quick. I think we're far enough away to change." The brown wolf stopped and the girl stood on her back. She jumped and did a flip, landing on four white paws. "Let's go, before anyone comes!" The cat lead the way through the meadow.

she looked up and saw that it was starting to rain. Oh great, she thought as she continued to walk. she also noticed a few purple flowers.

Along with Blizzard ,Frost crept forward. She was thankful for the she-wolf's rain, it supplied her with ammo. Water. She looked around searching for the new beings in her forest

so what are all of the elements and who are they played by because I'm confused.

Go to the sign ups, the first post will explain)) cause she controled darkeness, she controled the moon too, making it night she laughed, laying down, then realising, it was starting to rain oh shit- she ran to a nearby camp and into a den, it reeked of anorher element, but she didnt care

She saw that it was raining, but she kept on walking looking for somewhere to lay the storm over.

She shivvered rain, really? either one of the other elements -if there were any more- were feeling bitchy, shocked, or sad... I should help but i cant see with rain, even with my good eyesight

She finally got tired of the rain, and made an ice umbrella thing, and she held it over her head to keep the rain off. she kept walking hoping to find somewher.

Im stuck. Hmm. Might as well stay until the rain clears, then ill look for other elementals, if there are any... Se shook her head, letting out a loud howl