
" Nick.. put the weapon..down. Now!" Amber yelled " You have no idea what you are facing." she eyed the female before looking back at Nick " get out of here before she kills you" she warned him. But since that wasnt working, sh walked to him and grabbed his arm before dragging him back a couple of paces, away from Abraham. " Stay away from me and my friends. Ill be fine, Nick. Promise" And then went back to the two " Im sorry. Truelly. " Then she got an idea "Hey.. I have an idea. Why dont we walk and talk and get to know each other. I'll make sure my brother doesnt follow"

Abraham began to calm down and he went to Alexandra's side. Alexandra said "Walking and talking to get to know each other would be fine. Sorry for the way I just walk in to the problem. I have to keep Abraham safe as he is one of the rarest shifters." Abraham was nodding his head as he was agreeing. Abraham smiled as he waited to go on a walk. Alexandra knew that Abraham would be safe from Nick but just incase Nick would try to hurt Abraham, She would be ready. Alexandra was waiting to go on the walk with them. Abraham was waiting.

Amber smiled " Alright then. Come on." she said leading the way. " you must me another Shifter, right, Alexandra?" She asked kindly and at the same time curiously " Its rare to find one shifter... but two? That would be so cool" She eyed Alexandra then at Abraham with a blush Why am I looking at him like this She thought as she led them for a waterfall that had an entrance. " come on in guys. we can talk in here and not be disturbed"

Alexandra said "I am a shifter. I am a Bear shifter." She smiled as Abraham was blushing when he look at Amber almost like hewas hiding something. Abraham thought *I know that I can not fall in love with a human but I am falling in love with her.* He was not sure if she would feel the same way but he was letting the girls go inside the entrance first. Alexandra walk inside the entrance and she waited for Amber. Abraham was waiting for Amber.

Amber walked in very slowly eyeing both of them " Well then. What a rare find for me" she chuckled sitting at the rock bench at the far end " Im just a pain old human being. Nothing special." Her eyes stayed on Abraham for a while What is it in him im likeing.. Am I in love or am I just crazy. I cant fall in love with a shifter...

Alexandra chuckled and said "I think some one might disagree that you are just human being. Somehow you managed to get Abraham to talk around you and plus you can tell what he is saying by his eyes. No one has been able to do that." Abraham was by Amber's side as Alexandra had told the truth as he never spoke to anyone until he met Amber. Even though he did not know her name yet.

“ What?” Amber chuckled eyeing Alaxandra and Abraham hback and forth. She hoped she would find an answer in doing that but nothing was coming out of it. “ I guess I know my way around animals. I used to work in a zoo. Gosh.. all those animals. I saw white bengal tigers, polar bears, sloths, you know the usual. Even a black panther. But never have I been close to a jaguar til your friend here…” she motioned over to Abraham “ Kept me warm up in a tree the other night.” Do I want it to happen again… god yes. What would she say next? Well she thought about it and smiled “ And then… we sorta hit it off with a teeny friendship. That is bound to get better.I have a way with animals. I can sense when something up or if they need something from me. Guess you could call me.. Wild animal whisperer” But then she forgot her manners “ Gee… im sorry… where are my humanly manners… im Amber Johannson. And if I may be ok in asking… since you are a shifter too, Alexandra.. What would you be?” She hoped it wasn't a venous animal since she was afraid of those. But she would become friends with her soon enough. After getting used to being face to face with a bear every now and then that is.

Alexandra said "I would be a bear. I am not very much rare. But Abraham is a rare jaguar shifter. He is very lucky to have you around Amber. I am very much nice when I am a bear." Abraham was still by Amber. He said "I am glad that we met you Amber. You must be the shifter animal whisperer now." He smiled at her. Alexandra chuckled and said "He does have a point but at least you are friends. " She was happy to see that Abraham was getting new friends. Abraham was calm as he look at Amber and he gave her a small smile. Alexandra was smiling still. Abraham began to give Amber a hug before hearing something outside. He turn to see what it was but only saw that it was a bird. Abraham look at Amber and was waiting to see what she wanted to do next. Abraham was very much careful when looking at animals as he wanted to study them.

Amber smiled back at them. More at Abraham though. Did he just.. h-hug.. Me? She thought just as she too heard a bird “ Indeed I am. A bear? Wow, Alexandra. Never actually been up close to one in real life… but all the same I look forward to your company. Then an idea came to her “ Hey… I was wondering if I could steal Abraham for a while after my lonely..and boring hike with my dear brother” The question is… what will he do when we are alone.. I cant have him going kookoo over me. Ill keep it simple and nothing more than a friendship. But would it be more than that? No of course not. “Unless you two had other plans. I just want him mainly night hours. Day light I think I can handle. That jaguar is in a way my cuddle buddy at night. “ She then eyed Abraham and winked “ And then tomorrow all of us can go on a hike somewhere”

Alexandra said "You can steal Abraham. We mostly don't have plans as we sleep in different caves." Abraham chuckled and he thought *I am only wanting a friendship. But maybe we can be best friends?* He was unsure if they would be best friends as he was still getting use to be around Amber but he did hope that they will be best friend and who knows maybe one day some thing will happen between them. He began to chuckled and said "I am sure that the jaguar will be happy to be a cuddle buddy tonight if needed." He was smiling as he look at her. Alexandra smiled as she look at them.