
Dusk//FH//Warrior//F Mary, the rest of the group, the hellhound Dusk dashed after the group keeping a sharp eye out for hellhounds. Her black and grey wolf fur rippled uneasily. She watched Mary run up to Phase talking about this 'nice hellhound'. Dusk growled softly. She didn't like the hellhound. Yes, there was something off about it and it seemed to like Mary, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Dusk's ears twitched in annoyance. She just wanted to make sure they all stayed safe and got out of here alive. Letting a hellhound live didn't guarantee anyones safety. Who's to say it wouldn't decide they were a threat and turn on them. Dusk shook her head and sighed. She worried too much; she knew it. She needed to cut them some slack. A movement caught Dusk's eye and she whirled around. "Oh. It's only Fae," she muttered, relieved. (well that's more than I meant to type. i'm already enjoying this) Edited at August 20, 2020 08:08 AM by Fading Ember

Void//FH Beta//Female//Mentions Mary, Hunters Void nodded in thanks for Mary's help with the child then teleported over to near the hunters to distract them. There was a gap between some buildings which she squeezed into and listened to them talk so she would be able to copy their voices and try and direct them in a different direction away from where the Fearless Hunters where.

Starfire/FH alpha/M: FH, Fae, hunters Starfire finally got the chain off and just in time. A hunter came through the door and let off a bullet. The sound echoed for a moment before going silent. While distracted, Starfire lunged at the hunter, tripping him before knocking him out. Too late. The alarm had been sprung. Letting out a howl that told his pack to get out of there fast, he ran back to where he saw Fae. He saw a hellhound instead. 'Great' He rammed into it, making it whimper before jumping at him again. They fought for a couple seconds before it took off running. "Fae! Where are you?" He shouted, not seeing her.
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Phase/FH Warrior/M:FH,hunters,prisoners Phase allowed a small fox come out,the poor thing had a mark on her neck,and she was mute,Phase brought the fox over to Mary,"take it,I need to help the others" she said,she didnt have time for foxes right now.

Fae//FH//Warrior//M: General, Starfire Turns out the shelf was a window, so Fae flattened down before remembering her cover was on. OK, nice. Fae turned back to the room, only to see no hellhound, but no Starfire either. She was alone. Crap...
Trying to ignore the panic, Fae turned back at the window. The glass was dirty, but broken in some points, so she looked. What she saw made her tiny cat heart sink. Weapons, metal, oblong, wrong-smelling weapons.
No, not again.
She snapped back to reality at the voice, only to hear a wail and more crack sounds. Then she was running at Starfire, tears streaming across her small frame and her cover gone.
"Weapons," she managed to croack. "Many. In that room." Then she had to use each gram of focus to keep on her form. Edited at August 20, 2020 10:51 AM by Dewgrass Pack

Phase/FH warrior/M:all fh,hunters,Fae and starfire Phase heard something that alarmed her,she ran toward Fae and Starfire where,before she can reach them hellhounds exploded from nowhere,she turned into a Hippogriff,furious as she shook all of them off,she turned into her wolf form,bloody,"are you ok? she asked,as if nothing happened.

Starfire/FH alpha/M:Fae, FH, hunters Starfire saw Fae running towards him, crying. "Weapons!" He heard. Looking back the way he came, he gently said, "Fae, I want you to go find Void. Tell him to get everyone out."
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Phase/FH warrior/M:Starfire,Fae,all hunters,prisoners,and FH Phase came over,all bloody and wunded,though she didnt seem to mind that much,"Whats going on,wait,Weapons?" she gasped,she shook her ripped pelt,"i'll help get the others and the freed prisoners" she said,limping away.

Starfire/FH alpha/M:Fae, Phase, FH "Tell them to get out!" He called after her. "Go with her Fae," He said before running to the window where she was at. He spread his wings floating up a little bit before breaking the window and going inside.
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Phase/FH warrior/M:all FH,Fae Phase went through an opening,"This is how I got in" she said,she snuck inside,She quickly got on the grund,"FH!" she called,"we have to go now!" she said,not knowing how to get everyones attention,she spread her wings and went on top near the roaf,scanning fr the others.