
Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse nods and padded away. Maybe I can find some shelter too, she thought, keeping her ears alert while she was thinking. She sniffed the air, and detected a strange smell. It was coming from a metal can.

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse, Ensom . As she stalked away he lay his head back on his paws. He half closed his eyes, but his ears and nise were alert for predators. He stretch and then curled his tail over his legs. Ensom would not strike him again, unnoticed.
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I might just time jump a little, y'all don't have to. It just seemed like a good time jump spot. Ensom - Murderer | M: Open Ensom stalked back and forth, he was beginning to feel better after his fight. He was becoming restless. How many cats have they told at this point? I can't wait anymore- I just can't- But I must. I can't wait too much longer though... After the couple of days of resting he was able to pull himself to his home. There, he began to eat again. He knew that he would never forgive himself for it, but he had to in order to get stronger, and he had to get stronger in order to complete his mission.

Mouse - Alley | M: Open Mouse sniffs the metal can. She didn't trust it, but it did smell good...Maybe...just this one time? she said to herself. She knocked the can over, cringing as it crashed against the ground. She poked her head inside, the smell wafting into her face.

I want to revive!!! . Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . Rock began to feel better. His wounds had healed up and he was in fighting strength again. The nap seemed to habe helped. He was still injured, and hobbled around. But he had most of his strength back. Mouse had went to go get food. He got up amd shook himself off. His ears pricked to hear for Ensom, or other predators. He walked lightly on his feet. Tail swishing behind him. After a dew moments he came upon Mouse. He stood there for alittle while, admiring her. If she hadnt noticed yet, he really fancied her. She was nosing at some food in a can. Quietly, to not disturb her he xalled out. "Mouse, its just me" He then slowly walked over to her and brushed against her side. "I'll never let anything happen to you, I promise." He said, breathung in her sweet scent.
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(yay!!!!) Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse purred as Rock brushed against her. "I'll keep you safe too, and I won't let that killer get you" She was grateful that Rock was not severely injured and she touched her nose to his cheek gently. She sniffed the can again, succesfully finding a piece of leftover food from a skin. Smells a bit odd, it will do though, she took a small bite from it. It wasn't as good as she thought, so she left it. She sighed, "When will this all be over?" she murmured. She missed Drat, wishing that she hadn't died in such a cruel way.

(Yess!! I am sorta taking a break from wolfplay, but I will still try to be involved.) Ensom - Murderer | M: Open Ensom padded out of his den in search of food. Ever since he started eating again, he felt greater hunger pains as he took longer to eat. He didn't care what he wanted to eat, but he just didn't want to go into that cursed city. He carefully lept into the forest and raised his nose and twitched his ears as he tried to detect something in the snow covered forest. After a few hours of searching, his ears twitched as he heard the noise of scurrying under the snow. He quickly jumped up and started digging a hole into the snow when his claws made contact with something small and furry. The little critter made a shrill screech as he quickly ripped into its fragile flesh. It reminded him of the screech that little cat made when he ripped into her. She looked just like him... JUST LIKE HIM! He slammed his paw into the small creature he killed, making it fly into a nearby tree. Ensom dug his claws into the earth. At least he got what he deserved. An eye for an eye, a kit for a kit. Ensom shook out his frozen pelt and sat back on his haunches and glared at the animal he killed. It's a mouse... He thought back to the cats who knew he killed that kitten. I will be hunted down and killed if I don't get to them first.

Edited at March 16, 2023 11:51 AM by Riverflow

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . He took some time to think about that. "I dont know." He replied. "All I kniw is that if we don't hunt him down, he will cintinue to hunt us down and kill us. We cant risk it. We have to hunt him down first. Kill or be killed." He finiished. He knew he was right. He brushed up against her. Licking the side of her face. "We will end this. Together."
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock "Together" Mouse repeated, and looked up. "Where do you think he is now? He couldn't have run that far, if he was seriously injured" Mouse asked quietly. She looked around the alley, wondering if Ensom was watching them.