
Mouse - Alley | M: Rock After a while of stalking, Mouse managed to catch a pigeon. It was pretty plump. Skins were probably feeding it, like they always do, she thought. It made her wish she was a skin-held, but she shook her head. I should take this back to Rock, she thought, and trotted back towards the water holes, hoping the tom was okay.

Ensom - Murderer | M: Desert Rose Ensom looked over at what remained of the mouse. What have I done? Ensom couldn't believe himself. Why would he break his vow? He tried not to look irratated but just kinda ended up staring sorrowfully at the ground. "Thank you." He muttered "That was very kind of you." He didn't really want to talk, he knew it's probably what the other cat wanted, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He dragged the wet strip towards himself and began to lap at the water, still staring at the ground.

Desert Rose/Pave/Mentions: Ensom Desert Rose finished tearing up the rags. "Here," she said moving the strips towards Ensom. " You can use these to soak up some of the blood and if you can wrap some of them around some wounds that should help keep them clean to prevent infection. "

Ensom - Murderer | M: Desert Rose "Thank you." He muttered again. He was glad he was hopefully never going to see this cat again, as she saw him while he was at his weakest. He used his teeth and paws to awkwardly start wrapping himself in the rags. He felt better after eating that mouse, but he still deeply regretted it.

Desert Rose/ Pave/ Mentions: Ensom "Well bye" Desert Rose said, walking away. She walked back to her den.

Ensom - Murderer | M: Desert Rose Well... That was abrupt- Ensom thought. Not that I care or anything... At least my wounds feel better. Ensom finished wrapping himself then positioned himself back in his healing position. Now that I'm feeling better, I'll be able to get rid of those cats in no time...

Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse trotted up to Rock, quickening her pace as she saw him, heart lightening. "Here, I caught this, you should eat it if you can." Mouse dropped the pigeon in front of Rock.

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . He smiled as Mouse came back to him, dragging a plump pigeon in her mouth. "Thanks." He said, looking at her affectionately. "We'll share" he said, taking a mouthful out of the pigeon. Its meat was fresh and delicious and he pushed iy towards Mouse. "Here." He said nosing at the pigeon. "Your Turn."
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse was hungry, but knew Rock needed it more. She took a bite, trying not to eat a lot despite her hunger, and pushed it back with her paw. "You need it more than me, I'll hunt some for me later." she said.

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . He looked at her sympatheticly. "Thank you." He said, licking her muzzle. His woynds were stinging less and less, and he could travel soon. He bit into the pigeon, and finished it in 3 mothfuls. His belly full he looked up into Mouse's eyes. "You go hunt and after that we'll go back to out alley for some shelter."
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