
he closes his eyes and drifts into sleep it was a nightmare he watched in terror as a bear came out soaked in the pups and his mates blood he breaks down and falls to the ground in disbelief he lost it all.... the bear ignored him and walked away... he runs to the den which is covered in blood. in the corner 3 unmoving small bodies and his mates body he runs over as tears roll down his fur "no no this cant be!"(you feel his heart rate increase alot after a while and a tear rolls down his eye)

she lefts her head up and gets up and walks to him and nuzzled him

his heart beat slows down and he stops crying

she cuddles next to him " its ok baby im here"

he lays his head between her front paws in his sleep

( i can now breed Blanche) she lays her head on his

Mod edit: RP is for RP only. Keep sales talk in PM. Edited at October 15, 2023 12:57 PM by Feiella

Mod edit: RP forum is for Roleplay not sales or breedin wolves. Take any breed/sale to PM Edited at October 15, 2023 01:02 PM by Feiella

(wendigo might die soon he is 15 most wolves die at 18 sadly)

( yea i know when he dies will you keep the rp as him?)