
Ember: volcanic/ pup/ almost juvenile Ember yawned as the last of the dim sunrise faded away. She opened her wings wide and flew a large circle gliding on the winds.

Akela ignored the call, it wasn't something he had to respond to. If Peril wanted to find him... she could come get him. He'd keep to the shadows, walking only a little bit away before flopping down onto the ground. He was tired after all that flying, it could be a nice break to cool off in the shadows. Maybe, they'd still come bother him and that could be.. something interesting for his day.
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Peril || Alpha Female || Volcanic Pack || Mentions: Akela Her ears were pricked, listening for a response. Though their sight and smell dwindled in their particular environment, her hearing was near perfection. No answer The massive creature raised a spiked brow. 'Oh?' She thought, her lips peeling back to reveal long glinting canines. Her face twisted into a sinister snarl. Suddenly, Peril shot up into the sky, her black wings outstretched before she paused flapping her wings to keep mid air. Peril let out a couple low clicks, her ears flicking, pinging whatever was hiding in the dark. And with her powerful wings she was able to force the thick smog into a thin black fog, just long enough for her to catch a glimpse of Akela's face. Tucking her wings she spiraled down, landing with a groundshaking thud next to him. Narrowing her eyes at him she let out a hiss "hard of hearing?" She asked sarcastically, her voice like silky venom. Edited at June 16, 2023 08:35 PM by ~Savages~

Akela grumbled at the thinning smog. She's actually here, this can't be good, He thought to himself as he sat upright. He waited, watched, as Peril landed next to him. "Of course not, I can hear perfectly fine." Akela growled in answer.
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Mosaic | F | Sakura Pack | Alpha The Wood Mouse would be dangling from Mosaics mouth as she lightly gripped it before chewing, the bones cracking between each bite, after she would swallow it before going back to patrolling her territories border, heading in the directing of the Volcanic pack. Edited at June 16, 2023 10:03 PM by VirgoFox

Ember: Volcanic/ Pup Ember flew above the volcano and saw two wolves Akela and Peril. This could be interesting. She thought she perched just outside the opening just close enough that she could hear what was going on.

Peril || Alpha Female || Volcanic Pack || Mentions: Akela, Ember (indirect) Peril furrowed her brows at him, raising the corner of her lip to flash a fang before she pulled her head back to sit on her haunches. She merely gave a little grunt in response to Akela. "We drained our food supply faster than last week, I need you to come with me for a quick run before I can get a real hunting party set out" she rumbled, folding her wings to her sides. "And find Ember, it's time she learns about our hunting tactics" She stood again, her expression now stone as she searched the sky. They'll have to sneak into Deer-wolf territory to make a quick meal snag if they wanted to eat tonight. A smaller group would be more successful and perhaps less likely to get caught. "Meet me at the edge of our island" And without waiting for a response she took to the air, soaring above the black smoke and towards the ocean. Edited at June 16, 2023 09:35 PM by ~Savages~

Ember/ Volcanic/ pup She better not be caught up here. Ember took a step back but accidentally dislodged some loose pebbles and they clattered down the side of the volcano.. oops

Meteor | M | Volcanic Pack | Elder Meteor soared through the sky, hanging just below the clouds to see the ground below. Scouring the landscape, he spotted nothing unusual as he passed the sea between the islands comprising pack territory. Coming on the end of his patrol, he curved right and began heading back home but not before catching a glimpse of the mainland. He scoffed, thinking of the pathetic deer wolves that inhabited that area. At least the Mountain Cliff could fly and the Salt Water could mostly breathe underwater, but the Sakura had nothing going for them. Of all the packs, they had to be the weakest, and it was only a matter of time before someone got to conquering them. But that was a problem for another day. For now, Meteor redirected his attention as he made his rounds across the northern edge of Volcanic Pack territory, keeping his eyes and ears focused, though he didn't expect any strangers approaching from the north. After all, it was open ocean. The real threat lied to the south.

Mosaic | F | Sakura Pack | Alpha As Mosaic trotted along her territories border she looked towards the mountains, one of her territories borders were placed right infront of the mountain view, it was a fairly good spot to relax, despite it being so close to the enemies border, she also knew it probably wasn't a very smart idea to patrol the borders by herself with it being so close to the enemies territories, at the time she left no one else was awake and didn't want to wake anyone up with it being so early. Edited at June 16, 2023 10:03 PM by VirgoFox