
Mocha turned around, her lamb still in her mouth. She looked down at the wolf that was now laying on his back, her tail started wagging out of amusement "What in the world are you doing?" her voice was muffled by the stuffed squeaky animal in her mouth, "Why are you suddenly nice?" she asked, shocked, he was pinning her down yesterday and how he's buttering her up! . i'll try to find it!!// Edited at October 30, 2022 12:30 AM by crystalhowl

"oh...ummmmm....." He got up and mustered a fake evil laugh. He said " I WAS...hmmmmm. CATCHING YOU OFF-GAURD" He batted at her playfully with his paw. He then snatched the squeaky toy from her jaws and growled, inviting her to chase him.

(the discussion is just under rp)

Mocha playfully jumped back and barked when Hunger had stole her lamb, playfully bowing. She then began to chase him- before tripping over her own paws, face planting, and scurrying back up to try and get her toy back.

Hunger giggled, and dropped the toy on accident. Mocha then grabbed the toy and started running. A light rain started falling, and neither of them heard the door sliding open. All they heard was someone scream "GET AWAY FROM MOCHA!!!!" Edited at October 30, 2022 12:46 AM by TheWestWinds

Mocha yelped when she heard the screaming, tightening her grip on the lamb for comfort. She then looked over towards Hunger, "What should we do!?" she muffled, her big doe eyes showing confusion. She could run off...? Try to find a way to convince her owner to accept Hunger...? Mocha froze in place, whining, scared she'd get in trouble. Edited at October 30, 2022 12:57 AM by crystalhowl

The wolf said "RUN!" and with that he ran into the bushes. after he got into the shrubs he looked at mocha whom was glancing back and fourth between hungers hiding spot, and her owners open arms.

Mocha's ears were pinned back, she whined as she looked between Hunger and Dorothy. She then dropped her toy, leaving the last evidence of her, and running towards Hunger's direction. "Is this a stupid decision?" she asked, panting. It's not everyday a dog leaves their owner to run off with a wolf.

As soon as Mocha reached his side he dashed off in the direction of his den. He brought Mocha to a large niche underneath some tree roots wih two tunnles branching off. Hunger lead Mocha down the tunnle to the right into a warm space lined with moss and feathers. "rest...," he said curling up in the bed "we must talk in the morning, but for now sleep.".

The tags on Mocha's bright pink collar jingled as she ran, slowing down as they arrived to what seemed like a den. She followed Hunger, inhaling the scent of the den to get familiar with it. Mocha yawned, too tired to respond and laid down in the bed, it warming her fur and soon sending her to sleep. . Sun peaked through the den, making Mocha shuffle in her sleep and squeeze her eyes shut tighter.