
I cannot do PMs. I've had bad experiences with 'em. Ludicrous Hills said: Word Count (Average): 300+, I do my best to match length when I can and I'll give good substance in my writing Literacy Level: Semi-Literate 1x1 or 4x4?: I can do both, but for the 1x1 I prefer it in pm (i'm a nasty perfectionist and the idea of people being able to ogle my 1x1 responses is gonna give me so much anxiety I couldn't post anything) Any Specific Plot You Want Most?: For the 1x1 I'd love to do a mxm of the scare house, and please let me know of any 4x4 plots available!
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word count: 100 or a bit less depends on my motivation at the time
my motivation has been pretty low lately so i've been reaching maybe 100-120
Literacy level: semi
1x1 or 4x4: 4x4 I prefer this one because i don't have to post all the time plus we all have lives outside of the game or issues that come up i will not get mad at you for ditching for a few days
Plot: i really don't care on the plot aslong as ifit has some fantasy in it
other details : i am not that great at coming up with chatcter sheets/Refs i do have cats so if I do go for a break and I still have something I'm typing down and my cat lays on it expect some words to be messed up or some random letters Sometimes I don't catch it right away

@Shadows, I'm sorry but you're 200 words below the word count I need to keep interested ^^"
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Maybe it's time for me to get over my fear of judgement then If you'd still like to try, I'll give forum 1x1's a try ^^ Salem said: I cannot do PMs. I've had bad experiences with 'em.

The Form Word Count (Average): 700 Literacy Level: (Semi Lit, Lit, etc.) Semi Literate 1x1 or 4x4?: 4x4 Any Specific Plot You Want Most?: I'd be interested in either The Dragons or The Raven's Call! Also would be open to any other plot ^^

@The Bewitched, Awesome :3 I'll PM you when we have enough for either of them
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Word Count (Average): depends on rp but I can try to match yours usually Literacy Level: Semi-lit I think 1x1 or 4x4?: 1x1, specifically bamboozled and MxF cuz i suck with male usually, although anything with powers and/or forms works Any Specific Plot You Want Most?: ships but anything with drama/chaos works pm me with ur response please Edited at June 26, 2024 06:12 AM by Star Tha AOD

Word Count (Average): 600-700 on Average. Literacy Level: Semi-Literate to Literate 1x1 or 4x4?: I would love to do a 1x1 if possible. And I tend to do better in forums instead of pm roleplays! Any Specific Plot You Want Most?: I saw the Bamboozled outline of the plot, and it did catch my. I usually play a female role in a MxF pairing, so if that's alright, thank you. Let me know if your interested ^^

Word Count (Average): Unsure depends on what idea I come up with but they can get 300+ words Literacy Level: Semi-Literate (I think) 1x1 or 4x4?: I prefer 1x1 Any Specific Plot you want most?: With the 1x1 I'm interested in doing the mxm of the scare house^^

Form Word Count: 400 roughly on average, can be more or less Literacy: Semi-lit probably 1x1 or 4x4 Plot: I like bamboozled(MxF).I know you only listed vague themes and ideas, but I am imagining like, a modern fantasy RP. Modern times, mages/witches/warlocks just blending into society as usual. But there are underground places for them to mingle and meet one another. I am also imagining like, a magical court system for them and some drama for that. Let me know if that is interesting.