

Mocha was playing with a squeaky lamb toy she kept in the backyard, holding it in her mouth while rolling in the grass, giggling every time it squeaked when she rolled over. Mocha was then caught off guard by a new certain smell, she stopped rolling and dropped her toy, pointing her nose in the air. She had no idea what this new scent was, as she had never smelt anything like it before, but quickly brushed it off- assuming it must be some type of prey passing through. She hasn't seen a moose before, but heard of a herd of them migrating through, and assumed it must of been that. Mocha returned to chewing on her lamb, and continued walking around the yard. She was then suddenly pounced on, and began yelping like crazy, "I-I'm Mocha!?" She responded back, confused and scared "I live here!?" she couldn't see the male as his paw was on her head, limiting her vision. . . it's ok!!// Edited at October 29, 2022 11:33 PM by crystalhowl

He let go of her head and said "I didn't ask your name! I asked what you WERE!!!!" he shook his head in dis-taste. The she-whatever stared up at him with big puppy eyes. "stop that..." he growled looking away, and grabbing the squeaky lamb. He squshed it in his jaws, but instead of the small lamb being dead, it just wailed. "GAH!" he shouted, dropping the screaming lamb.

Mocha held in a giggle, even though she was scared for her life right now- she'd admit, his attempt at trying to "kill" the lamb was pretty funny. Mocha instantly darted up and stood the second he let his paw off her head, "I-I'm a dog?? Like you, duh??" she looked at him, sounding out of breath. She slightly tilted her head- "What type of dog are you?" Mocha eyed him up and down, not in a rude manner, but she was rather curious. She hasn't seen a "dog" like him before. Mocha's head was submissively down, still feeling fearful of him.

He looked at the fearful she-....dog, and growled "DOG, HAHA!!!" His body shook with laughter "Im no.....dog, as you call it. Im a wolf", he grinned revealing his extra large canines. (LOL NOW 'I HATE EVERONE BUT YOU' IS STUCK IN MY HEAD FROM UR SONG THING)

Mocha's ear pinned back out of fear and she let out a small whimper seeing his large canines, "....wolf" she repeated to herself, her tail cowering between her legs. Mocha tried to not judge people or other dogs.. well, in this case, wolves, but couldn't help but to feel scared. She's only ever heard of negative things about wolves, and suddenly, those scary stories her dad told her that she just would see as scary stories, came back to haunt her. "so you're not going to... eat me.. right? that would kind of be you know.. cannibalism." she whined . its been stuck in my head for like 4 HOURS NOW!! that song and she wolf by shakira is just playing on a constant loop at the same time in my mind at all times// Edited at October 29, 2022 11:57 PM by crystalhowl

Hunger whimpered at the thought of cannibalisim "uh...no, i wont eat you...um my name is Hunger.....and uh...im a k-" He stopped himself mid sentence and quickly regained his composture. The sliding door of the human den opened. Hunger quickly said "BYE BYE PUPPY DOG!!" and turned tail. He ran up the slope and over the mountain, leaving the large dog called mocha behind him, but he planned to see her soon.... He seemed to have liked that submisive, scrawny, excuse for an animal. ps: all insults are Hunger not mine Edited at October 30, 2022 12:08 AM by TheWestWinds

Mocha was confused by his sudden stuttering, her head staying tilted and her mouth slightly ajar. She then jumped back when the sliding door opened, scared from the sudden movement and watched Hunger bolt off, still processing what happened. Mocha darted inside the house, panting as she got in. "Careful out there..." Dorothy said, quickly shutting the door. Mocha whined, seeing she left her lamb out there. . It was now the next morning, a cloudy saturday morning with high chances of rain. Mocha looked outside the sliding door, whining to go out- she needed to get her lamb as soon as possible. Dorothy let her out, and she ran in the backyard, frolicking with her toy. Edited at October 30, 2022 12:17 AM by crystalhowl

Hunger followed his scent trail from yesterday, and arrived at his usually stopping point. This time, he emerged from the bushes, and rolled over in submision. "Hello puppy dog" he said "I mean no harm today." he said as kind as he could muster without sounding stupid.

(also i have made a discusion page, so plz reply to what i said there)