


hi. so how does the rp go?

A trail of bark and twigs followed frost as she dragged a pile of branches and wood, trapped in a netted sack, back to her 'camp'. The previous night had been one to remember, the storm, well, it couldn't be helped and all because Blizzard got angry. Frost sighed as she watched the happy wolf and not for the first time she wondered if the she-wolf even knew of her own powers. Hopefully this would be enough wood to fix her den.

No plot, just rp Nightwalkers said: hi. so how does the rp go?

Alyssa Moon/Snow/13 Alyssa walked through the forest

Cloud climbed onto Dust Fern and readied for the she-wolf to take off. The girl saw a thicket of brambles blocking their path and blew them aside with a slightly strong gust of wind. "You can go now, Dust." Cloud urged the wolf forwards, hanging on tightly.

Frost reached the camp as beads of sweat began to slide in earnest down her forehead. She glanced around in pride at her home. There were no fancy beick mansions or anything like that. But for a young teenager trying to survive alone it was alright. There was a weirdly shaped mound on the ground nearby where she stored food and a few metres away was a cricle of silvery smooth stones filled with ash and blackened wood that was her fireplace. Above this was a wooden spit made of hard wood and held/tied together with thick and tough plant fibers, spun into a makeshift rope. Around the fireplace was three huge logs which she'd stolen from some woodcutters, that she used as benches. Near the fire was a decent den of wood and ferns that she'd made as a shelter when it rained. A hole in the ground beside that signified Blizzard's den. Blizzard had made when they'd started staying here. Frost had soon realized how cozy it was and widened the entrance, Blizzard, realizing what Frost was up to had enlarged the inside so that Frost could sleep there too. They'd filled it with dry moss and ferns, to keep it warm and cozy. ... Yep, Frost was proud of it but as of last night, the camp was practically destroyed and with a sigh Frost gathered the newly collected wood and went around fixing it.

Alyssa walked through the woods she was getting real hot so she made a small snow flurry above her.

Dust Fern realized that she should go and bounded forwards, knowing that her human companion was holding on. She howled as she jumped over a small stream and continued at a run to the edge of the forest. ~-~-~-~-~-~ Cloud slid off the wolf's back and walked to the nearest tree, looking over a small meadow to the mountains. "That's where we're heading. You see, right over there?" She pointed at the jagged shapes in the distance to show the wolf.