
( ooh you're good at this XD ) He waited for the other guy to drive off, only to realize they were both headed the same direction, he watched closely to see if he would turn at any street, but he kept going. He parked and got out of the car and looked around to see where the other guy went, it was pretty dark, and he didn't see anyone around, so he just got inside the building. He hurried to the elevator before it closed, and pressed his floor. Edited at September 30, 2021 02:10 PM by SWIFT BLUIE <3

" Hey wait... " Chase said zipping up just as the elevtor began to close " Look, Im sorry about getting pissed at you back there... I shouldnt have. That was just rude of me. The names Chase. I live on the third floor." He leaned against the elevator back wall and waited for the floor of the other males " Let me walk toyur apartment.. its the last I can do..." she said standing up straight a minute later. (tons of practice)

"Nice to meet you Chase! I'm London, but you can call me Londie" he said smiling. " I'm on floor two, and sure I guess" he replied. He stared at the floor and waited until the elevator finally stopped. ( sorry it's short )

( dont worry. I try and watch the other person. But sometimes it gets... longish) Chase exited the elevator and waited for London to get in front " Im suprised we ar ein the same apartment" he gave a little chuckle " Nothing like that ever happened to me." he walked beside the other male, just following. " We could go somewhere and talk if you want, sometime later this week after my car egets fixed. I'll have the guy of mine fix yours too" He wanted to be nice for a change. " If thats ok. Im not doing anything important til that car gets new parts" He finally stopped at a door, leaning against the wall in front. What am I doing? Inviting him for what?? he thought as he moved his hair out of his face. " Just come to the third floor. Room number 3B and uh.. talk things through I guess."

( my last post till after i shower cause my mom won't let me hear the last of it if i don't ) " Oh sure, that'd be fine, and thanks" he said, he unlocked the door and got in, "thanks for uh taking me to my apartment, I can go up to your apartment sometime tomorrow if that's fine" he told Chase. "Well, it's late.. So goodnight Chase, cya tomorrow maybe"

" Yeah. Night" Chase said slowly walking back to his floor and got his bed ready. That sounded like I wanted to be more than a friend to him... not that I havent had anyone in my life, but still he thought as he got changed into night clothes, made sure no masages where on his phone before grabbing a book and read for alittle bit before dozzing off to bed. By the following morning, Chase had a bad case of a headache and didnt want to get out of bed. " Damn it... I need Londie here to help me.. But im too scared to even wanting to talk to him right now." Plus, how would I explain my weird feelings towards him. He might freak out. He shook his head as he woke up, and sat up, the book falling on the floor.

( hehe softie lol ) He shut the door and took a warm bath before heading to bed. He woke up to the sound of his alarm going off, he turned it off and got out of bed, it was sunny outside. He changed into a hoodie and jeans and made himself breakfast, " I forgot to ask what time he wanted to meet" he sighed. After eating he decided to go check up on him, so he walked to the elevator and went to floor 3. He wandered around the hall until he found room 3B and knocked.

( Oh hell XD hes a softie alright ... I can make him tougher if needed since hes the Alpha in a way) " What?!" Chase growled " Who is it!" He got out of his bed and got his white shirt * with holes of course) and slacks on before going tot he door and looking through the peep hole Shit he thought. SHe sighed before opening the door. " Londie... what you doing up this early? And you might have gotten over here a day too early... kinda dealing with a major problem." He tilted his head, letting the other male in " Come on in I suppose. " he said closing the door behind him and then walked to one of the cabnets to try and fine waht he needed " Shit. I forgot to get it at the store the other day..." he said slamming his hand on the counter. Then he remembered he had company. " Sorry... "

( haha nah this is cute XD ) "I always get up this early, and what's the problem?" he said looking around the room. "What did you forget at the store? If you want i can go and get it" he said leaning on the door. He looked at Chase and saw he was a bit of a mess, he stifled a laugh. "Not what i expected to see from him" he said to himself.

( okie dokie XD Im literally brainstrom something while I wrote each responce... Kinda wanna do a slow burn soon XD) " Just some headache medicine... but I'll get it. You dont have to. Plus I think I can handle the pain. I get these when I feel something isnt right. It's not you thats the problem... its me." he rolled his eyes since he could read the other males mind beofre sitting on his bed once more " So, what do you need, Londie?' his eyes locked onto him, looking him up and down before biting his lip with one of his fangs. God damnit... whats wring with me He thought.