
Frost gave a small grimace in return which was her way of saying 'sorry' and 'thanks for not murdering the most important thing in my life in her drug induced sleep'. Maybe she could trust this girl, maybe. just maybe. "Where are you from snow girl?" she demanded her voice thawing slightly from it's previous icyness

The ferret looked at the ground. I got the coolest lizard, she is just sitting on my hand while I type :)

Awww, sounds so sweet :) ))) "I need to know if I'm going to trust you" pressed the girl "I'll make a deal with you? If you tell me about you, I'll tell you about me!"

The ferret ran out and alyssa walked in, and said deal

"Good" stated the girl, placing her wolf's head on her lap and stroking it. "You first" she said, she didn't really want to start.

Well, I'm alyssa, and I just escaped from a lab.

"A lab" said the stunned girl, wow, people were harsh "more?" she demanded

"A lab" said the stunned girl, wow, people were harsh "more?" she demanded

They studied me and tried to turn me into a weapon for the military before escaped and now I'm here

"wow" muttered the girl, how could people be so cruel?