
Arrow nodded to Moon and walked over to Winter. "You can come, too. Lets go."

"Arrow don't forget about me." Ace walks up to Arrow and licks his nose

everyone was afraid of what would happen to the alpha but someone had to act, moon was dying, something was wrong

"Moon, you need to rest. Please." Winter says, nosing Ace to make sure she is up for it.

"I'm fine mom. I'm feeling better today." Ace nuzzles her leg to reassure Winter

Winter walks after Arrow and Ace.

Arrow leads the way out of the camp and raises his muzzle to the air to smell for prey

moon tried to stand to go to her den to rest, but she fell, hard on the ground. she gave in to the tiredness and fell asleep, she didnt wake up for many days, days upon days.

Winter ran after Arrow, her nose to the ground. There was all kinds of scents. Prey scents and herb scents. Mud and water. To her left was herbs for Ace's cough and to her right was a squirral. Winter just ran faster. But she made sure Ace was keeping up on her stubby puppy legs.

Sorry i were gone XD
Zinyan wakes up and feels fresh. He wonders where everybody are. He takes a step out of the den and looks around. Spring. Birds are singing and he gets blood on his tooth. He wants to hunt. He wander off into the forest and suddenly he smells something. It's the smell of his beatiful partner and pup. But wait there's someone else too! He thinks about and remembers Winter said something about a new juvenile. He hasn't greeted him yet and as beta he needs to know who's in the pack. He runs with all his power in hope of getting closer to them. He wants to hunt with them.