
Frost glared at the 'Snow girl', did she not know how dangerous people could be? Had she really grown up in such a perfect world? Frost knew different, people were monsters. It was no secret but many hid from the truth Frost had decided.

Cloud slowly crawled forwards, trying not to disturb the dirt on her back.

A flash of movement caught Frost's suspicious eye and through pure, innocent refelexes, with a jerk of a hand, a jet of water broke lose of the airborne stream and spurted towards the place of the unnatural movement, hitting it's target.

She reached into the water and grabbed the cat.

"You're elementals. Elementals!" She couldn't believe her own words as she witnessed the girl controlling water with her hands. She reached out with her mind and found complex beings there, nothing short of an elemental. She eyed the cat suspiciously, knowing that it was no ordinary cat. "You may want to be careful with that cat. She is not who you think she is."

Ivy wandered, casting her mind out to all the nature around her. She experimented with her powers, giving some light and sun to some plants and water to others. She continued walking, casting her mind out to the creatures around her. Connecting with there minds and kindly helping them along. So many creatures, she thought. She thought for a moment that she felt a human presence, powerful, manipulative. But she brushed the thought aside. Then however she felt two presences, very strong, definitely human. She stumbled upon Alyssa and Frost...

Alyssa felt something in her mind, but she swapped it away, and she checked on the cat.

"Yes," Replied Frost shortly, why should she trust this person? She glared at Alyssa and the cat, not sorry at all for soaking the creature. One hand still stoking Bliz's head she looked at the creatures around her suspiciously, alert yet curious

Alyssa let go of the cat who was clearly fine. Then she said "I'm gone thanks for the help and letting your wolf almost kill me but I got to go to many people, she said as she tried to leave the cave

People?! With something like fear in her eyes Frost jumped forward, blocking the exit, water still spiralling threataningly. "People?" The girl half whispered her voice croaky. "What kind of people?" she demanded, regaining a portion of her confidence yet the fear remained, what if she told them about her and bliz, what've she'd send normal people hunting after them. Frost didn't want to leave the forest that had been her home for so long.