
Cloud was unable to sleep so she carved a message into the dirt before peeking her head out of the den, making sure it was safe. She climbed out and bounded to the forest. When the cat got there, she padded slowly but got her fluffy fur stuck on a bush. Tugging, she hissed "Let. Go!" With a final tug, she pulled herself free and landded face first in the dirt. The she-cat stood and shook out her fur. "Stupid bush" she muttered before continuing her journey. if action won't come to me, I'll come to it!))

She kept staring at the stranger.

Frost gazed at Alyssa as the girl healed Bliz, she hadn't expected her to do anything like that but before the stunned girl could mutter her thanks a figure appeared in the den entrance. A second later she had leapt oto her feet, calling water out of the sky and grasping in her hand, twirling nervously like a ribbon (she was a bit of a fidget). A normal human (or so she thought). "What do you want?!" She snarled, shed had too much experience with normal humans. Edited at January 12, 2022 09:58 AM by Lupus Pack

She watched with curiosity her ice ready

Frost stepped nervously in front of her wolf, the meds still had her out cold. The ribbon of water grew and grew as more and more vapour joined the gang. Her eyes darkened and narrowed with suspicion Edited at January 12, 2022 10:21 AM by Lupus Pack

Feel free to join the gang pixel lmao))


fair enough)) Cloud perked her ears at the sound of voices. They stopped but Cloud had followed them far enough. She came to what looked like the entrance of a camp. Still in her cat form, she padded inside, miraculusly hiding her snow white fur.

Frost thought she saw a flick of white in the entrance to her den but ignored it. The water around her had now grown to a size that could fill a pond, splashing around Frost in a never ending river of floating, spiraling water.

Hey dude, cool it." Alyssa said standing beside him. "they might be nice.". She noticed the white cat, but didn't say anything