

Pack #: 317225 Boarding or pup training: training please Wolf link Boarding time: as long as possible to train him (clue)

Boeing said: Hey starwolfs. I'm going to go here too now :) Pack ID: 312640 Wolf Link(s): May I do two? Individually is fine. #1 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5183536 #2 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5190024 (If there's not enough time we can decide then.) Boarding or Pup Training? Pup Training both of them. Boarding Time: Clue :D
StarRun said: Pack #: 317225 Boarding or pup training: training please Wolf link Boarding time: as long as possible to train him (clue)
So sorry for the delay you two , I knew I wasn't going to have a lot of time to explore the last two days so I didn't want to have your pups in my den until I would have the time ^^' ill be PMing you both momentarily!
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pack #: 278606 boarding or pup training?: pup training Boarding time: none
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Piola said: pack #: 278606 boarding or pup training?: pup training Boarding time: none
With it being winter 2 and 1 order ahead of yours , I don't think I'll have the time for this order but your welcome to put him up in the case of me having the time
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Not sure if now's still a good time but ^^' pack #: 262689 boarding or pup training?: pup training boarding time: N/A (clue)

Windcrest said: Not sure if now's still a good time but ^^' pack #: 262689 boarding or pup training?: pup training boarding time: N/A (clue)
Will be messaging you
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