Relations Sheet
Relations with:
Leroy likes Ethan just fine, he just finds him a little hard to understand (him being mute and all), he still cares about him but does get a bit annoyed with him, especially when E starts his teasing. I'd say they have a neutral relationship.
Leroy is very, very over-protective of Axel. He reminds him of his younger brother so Leroy treats him as if he is. If anything happened to Axel Leroy would probably kill everyone in the room (including himself) out of pure rage and regret.
These two are very similar in the fact that they act loud on the outside while they are actually hurting on the inside. Both struggle to 'be good enough.' I'd say they could go two ways, either they could find some form of understanding and become great friends, or they could end up being very competitive with each other and end up kind of hating each other. It really depends.
Cal will most likely annoy Leroy out of his mind because of how stubborn they are. They'll probably clash a lot because they both act stubborn and like they're right, even if they don't fully believe it... He'd also be annoyed with the jokes most likely.
Leroy respects TJ, he understands the need to keep people at a distance and won't try to approach or talk to Tyler unless he comes over and talks first. He likes the fact that TJ is quieter but still thoughtful and passionate about subjects he cares about. Altogether, I'd say Leroy and Tyler could be friends if they wanted to, or just neutral allies if that didn't work out.
Although Leroy silently respects Nabih for his ability to plan and think (He'll never admit this of course), he will definitely see him as competition, someone that can get things done so easily threatens Leroy's spot, he can't have anyone above him or else he's useless... Right. Yeah, Leroy's gonna act angry towards Nabih while actually being scared of him.
They will definitely clash a lot, Leroy is going to be annoyed as crap with Evie all the time, he won't like her attitude or the fact that she's 'lazy.' Yeah, unfortunately, I don't think these two will get along well at all.
Relations with:
Well, Ethan tries to get along with him, but the fact that Leroy is so loud and angry all the time makes it really hard. For the most part, E probably tries to ignore Leroy so that he doesn't get yelled at or cause conflict. He's honestly a little scared of him, but he still wants to get along.
Friend! Axel and Ethan are the silent duo, Axel can read Ethan's expressions pretty easily so they'll make eye-contact and communicate that way. They're both pretty gentle personalities so they get along well.
Ethan will definitely try to get along with him, he already understands emotions better than most and hides his more often than not, so he can tell Gwyar is struggling (especially after he gets his power), if Gwyar will actually let him in they would be great friends. The if is the problem though, E is very patient and won't give up easily, but if Gwyar starts pushing him too far it's possible that he will break and pull away. Though it's not likely, it is possible.
Quirky and confident? Oh yeah, Ethan can get behind that. I'd say Cal can probably bring out Ethan's more sassy, playful side. They would probably make good friends, E would also try to help Cal with their emotions and identity if he could.
This guy's chill, Ethan likes him right off the bat, just for sharing his love of nature. He loves animals and trees and so does Tyler! It's great! Sure, he's an introvert, but Ethan is quiet so they could probably hang out without E bothering TJ too much, and he'd be respectful and leave if that's what Tyler wanted. If not friends, I'd say they could be neutral at least.
He's cool, Ethan likes him. Then again, E likes everyone (except for maybe Leroy) sooo. Ethan would definitely take advice from Nabih and come to him if he needed help with something. He respects Nabih's ability to think and get things done and admires him altogether.
She's... troublesome. E will try to be nice to her, but, much like Leroy, he'll probably find it a bit hard. He wants to be her friend and will keep trying, but he wishes she was a little more approachable.
Relations with:
He offers the protection that Axel craves, he gives him security, even if he can be a little loud and scary sometimes. Axel likes Leroy and looks up to him like an older brother.
Yay! Someone nice and quiet. Although he's not necessarily the brave, confident figure Axel wanted, Ethan is nice and helpful so Axel likes him. When everything gets too loud or Axel needs help with emotions or anything he'll turn to E for help.
He also has a confident (outward) personality that Axel looks for. He'll try to get to Gwyar for sure, even if he doesn't succeed. If Axel could get through to Gwyar he'd offer his emotional support and kind nature for protection.
Again, someone protective and confident acting. These two could definitely be friends and Axel could probably help Cal figure out his sexuality and gender, being Trans and Asexual Panromantic himself. He'd do his best to help Calvin and would very much appreciate Cal's protective nature in return.
He's cool, Axel probably wouldn't approach Tyler himself, but he would definitely respect his want to be alone. They could be friends if they tried I'm sure, but they'd probably be more allies than friends because of how shy Axel is and how introverted Tyler is.
Axel will respect Nabih for sure and loves his confident personality. They would definitely get along. Plus, Axel would spend a lot of his time trying to get Nabih and Leroy to get along so that he's not stuck in between conflict all the time. (Not that it would actually work.)
Scary. Very scary.
Axel will probably try to avoid Eva because of her angry attitude. She's confident maybe, but she's not protective with a kind of soft side like Axel wants. He finds her kind of terrifying because of how angry she is, especially when she raises her voice and, though she has yet to hurt him, she may remind him a little of a previous bully...
Now, if she could let go of that angry outward appearance they might get along, but until then Axel will try his best to avoid her.
I think I'm done, did I miss anyone? And tell me if I should edit someone or something! Nothing is set in stone, these are just some ideas, and I can always change them as the RP moves forward!