<div style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">“Dear, MCWPThis year I would like.. 1) 3 apples (if thats okay) 2)15 mush 3) A holiday decor is thats okay
This year I would like..please 1:1 apple 2:50 mush or lower 3:paws up[i know its not on the list]
Dear MCWP,
This year I would like... 1) 1 apple 2) Any amount of mush 3) 1 Gear
Thanks and Happy Holidays!!
Dear MCWP, This year I would like... 1. Gear 2. Decor 3. Mush and/or an apple(s)
In any case, whether I get anything or not, thanks!
Dear, MCWP This year I would like: 1 apple 2 gear
*EDIT- the group was kinda not responding so.. Im going on this alone!! Haha :')
Can I have 1-2 apples please
Wildlife forever said: Can I have 1-2 apples please
Please correct the way you asked that
Dear, Santa Taenau This year I would like.. 3. 10 mush 2. 50 mush 1. 100 mush It is in order from what I want least to want I want the most))
Destinations End said: I'm a bit confused, is this a gift exchange(like the one Venn had up), or more of a letters to santa sort of thing(where someone says their wishlist and the people running this thread do their best to gift one of the things that person wished for)
If it's the second out of the two, do you need more people to join as part of the team running this as a gifter? Because if so I'd be more than happy to help with this
I'm willing to help. :)