When all else fails, to the bases xD Firefox said: :D imma attempt to draw my own rat, and if it fails I'll color a base XD Dragonpipe said: We welcome Azula and Firefox to the kingdom. May your bond never break and your friendship to stay strong -Tim & King
Dragonpipe said: Everyone gets a rat when they join! Usually the rat shows up when you achnowledge your job (aka, you join and send me a role application) but some appear randomly. Oh, and you can name your rat as well! Royal Pack said: Oh and how do I "get a rat"
Are there actual roles to sign up for or do you just come up with stuff? Also I have already ordered 4 rats from Cadaver. I'll have to ask separately for a single random one some other time.
Nah you just send me a pm about what role/title you want and you're rat helper will be the same/similar type of role! Many rats are possible to have as helpers, but unless they are postmen rats (adoptable species I've made but haven't sold yet), they get very chaotic. Royal Pack said: Dragonpipe said: Everyone gets a rat when they join! Usually the rat shows up when you achnowledge your job (aka, you join and send me a role application) but some appear randomly. Oh, and you can name your rat as well! Royal Pack said: Oh and how do I "get a rat"
Are there actual roles to sign up for or do you just come up with stuff? Also I have already ordered 4 rats from Cadaver. I'll have to ask separately for a single random one some other time.
Mmm okay. Hopefully I get my Cadaver rat soon! Gn
i give up- i cant draw a rat ;-; it looks easy- why isnt it easy ;-;
It takes time to draw the essence of a rat. I couldn't draw rats either when I started :') Firefox said: i give up- i cant draw a rat ;-; it looks easy- why isnt it easy ;-;
I didn't subscribe to this and my name is being spoken Also if you are part of this and ordered a Rat pm me so I can push it up front as I normally work with first come first serve
Just need my one rat to be made and then I sha'll have art of Azula! :3
This died! Why must this die
Rats can't live forever sadly Fortunately rats can also be revived!