Devi, sure if you really want lol - fika, no its fine niether am I xD I have school and shit so ha its all good
Swedish Fish said: Oh boy. I am not able to be on WP for all hours of the day because I have a life lol so yikes I might fall behind.
me too but i also have the attention span of a ... sweedish goldfish ...
whoever gets premium should make an alliance about this xD
Devi, omg yes xD it will be amazing xDD
Then we need to go on a shopping spree together :0
Kitsune said: Then we need to go on a shopping spree together :0
oh gosh maybe buy the most expensive 3 wolves in the game
omg we could xD go like den expansion shopping spree and shit (Sorry does my swearing bother you guys? ;-;) then buy and breed the best wolves of all UuU
Kitsune said: omg we could xD go like den expansion shopping spree and shit (Sorry does my swearing bother you guys? ;-;) then buy and breed the best wolves of all UuU
honestly i think the most expensive wolves are the dud puppies of newbie's starter wolves xD "it takes a while to get to 20 mush? lets sell this pup for 900,000 mush someone will buy it if i say please in chat"
Omgosh yesss to everything on this page. Me and my dumbness didn't realize there was a second page already so I saw only old messages but kept getting notifications XD Devi did you call me a sweeedish goldfish lmao
Swedish Fish said: Omgosh yesss to everything on this page. Me and my dumbness didn't realize there was a second page already so I saw only old messages but kept getting notifications XD Devi did you call me a sweeedish goldfish lmao
would i do such a thing 0.0