You begin to cautiously walk up the steep stairs to the hayloft. Some of the stairs are a bit damaged, so you have to watch your step in order to not step on a broken step. When you reach the top, you don't see much besides hay, straw, and bedding for the stalls. The ceiling has some missing boards, and there are a few open windows letting in lots of sunlight. Maybe you could find a cat sunbathing in here somewhere. To the left of you, there is a small room that seems to contain some buckets and more hay. Looking in front of you, you notice a little crack besides some of the hay bales. Maybe a cat is hiding in there? To your left, there are large piles of hay where a cat could be sleeping. Where do you want to look?
A. In the crack in the hay
B. To your right
C. The room to your left
D. In the lower part of the barn