Dragon friend for a friend :D
Hey Xes! Is your art from Tennessee? Because it's the only 10 I see. Lmao.
Oh goodness XD (Also, I like dat dragons fancy h a t >:3)
Me sitting in the corner, being extremely envious of your gorgeous masterpieces. (Especially the dragon that looks like it has a witch or wizard type hat) Edited at April 15, 2021 07:18 PM by {Wild-Canine's}
Aww thank you xD gosh these compliments are getting punny and yes! Very wizardry feel to it :D
Hmmm, wizardly things <3 Been reading the Harry Potter books and loving them! And Imma need to come up with some puns for your lovely art :)
Black_Sand said: Hmmm, wizardly things <3 Been reading the Harry Potter books and loving them! And Imma need to come up with some puns for your lovely art :)
Aww that's amazing! I should get back into reading them again ~ ooo yes please! XD they make my day
How long did it take you to do that?
ShimmerPaws said: How long did it take you to do that?
Says it took 2 hours but I think it counted all the messy sketching I was doing with the body before I decided on a pose xD so about an hour