Vennenum said: @Mystical-- it is hotlinked.Wattpad is not an image hosting site. Please use one of the image hosts linked on the first few posts of this thread.
Oh, ok, thanks!
Uh, so I don't think any of the resources explained this, but I'm making a thing and I want to make sure I understand if it would be okay to post it on wolfplay or not.
Basically what I want to know is if we're allowed to put lyrics from songs on pictures if we credit the owner of the song and put the name of the song on the picture. Not sure if that makes sense, but I just want to know if this is allowed so I don't make any mistakes.
Thank you.
Game Moderator Darkseeker
We'd prefer people didn't use anything copyrighted.
mod edit: please do not quote entire posts and stretch the forums.
One question, why aren't human pictures allowed on Wolfplay. You know, people like Anime. Edited at June 22, 2018 11:50 PM by Vennenum
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Should a finicky person come along and find images that look like them, it's possible they can sue Wolfplay. It's better to not have that chance.
Thanks! Also, I'm sorry for quoting entire posts and stretching the forums. I didn't know that's against the rules. When I get into trouble at least once on any website, I start acting like a maniac (trolling), but I'm not gonna do it here, because if I keep getting banned, I'm not coming back (uh-oh). Edited at June 24, 2018 06:23 AM by Chili The Dog
Game Moderator Darkseeker
You're not in trouble. It just makes it harder for us to read the post. We already know you're responding to the quoted post because you're posting on this thread. xD
If you search a browser website like Google Images and search for images "Labeled for reuse" are you allowed to use those?
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Lover of Leopards-- No. You must be able to provide us with credits to (or the name of) the original artist, and Google doesn't often do a good job of that.