Welcome to The Winter Walker playing Weevil. The Beach Clan Trainee, say hi everyone!
Yippee! Weevil is weird and also named after a bug- you guys can call him Bug or Wizard Bug.
So my character Spark can be a grumpy gal, can she call him bug when she's in a bad mood lol
Absolutely- I love that. He can be quite the annoying bugger.
Spark can be a little mean, and shes upset about everyone being kidnapped rn Just so you know its basically night time and everyone is probably headed off to sleepy time rn
And Frisk is still out hehe hehe.
yea because Myra went out and got freaking kidnapped and Lost Carols still hasnt posted for Nootau, ahh
im setting up a dicussion topic where Ill put everything that happened in the RP in shorter bullet points so new people dont have to read a book
Or it could go here on the front page? 🤷♂️ I don't know. Edited at January 1, 2024 10:08 AM by RightWolf 🦃
I thought about that but I wanted a level of seperation for organizations sake since Im hoping this RP will continue for a while longer