Bearjorn XD --- Okay, so Cowardly Knight. Sunmoon has been absent from the game for the past 15 days, so it's up for grabs. Someone on sign ups was interested so I'm going to ask if they still want in on the RP. If they do not respond by the next couple days or they do not want to join, one of us can take on the role. If y'all don't want to or have a strong urge to play as the cowardly knight, I have an idea for the role and will play as them. Edited at March 31, 2022 10:01 PM by Argos
I have an idea, but if you would like to be the knight, it's all yours!
I am fine with you playing as them if the other person doesn't want the role, fails to answer or doesn't meet the requirements. I just don't want people to feel pressured into playing the role
Freedom said: He got one wolf, I think, but yeah, pretty much always a bear.
Saber's the one who called him a wolf xD Argos- I feel like if I took the Cowardly Knight, there'd be less interrelational bonding, since I'd be predicting 2/3 knights' actions and I've got no clue where Legends is :/ I'll get right on my affiliation sheet!
Thank you, Freedom! Also, yes, Bearjorn. XD - Agros, I can play the cowardly knight if needed. I pretty consistently play more than one character in my other RPs, so I'm pretty confident in it. However, if someone else wants it, they can have it! I'm fine with whatever. :)
The person I messaged last night got back and said they were busy. So Determined, do you want them? Edited at April 1, 2022 02:50 PM by Argos
Yeah I would love to! If anyone else wants to take it though, go ahead! I will probably be a little while so if someone wants to have the cowardly knight, just let me know.
This isn't my best drawing and he kinda looks like a frog, but here's a little doodle of Diamond and some of his things. https://pokefarm.com/upload/Determined_Wolf/68F6A540-55BE-44E7-AC15-768A64A5A036.jpeg Edited at April 1, 2022 08:11 PM by Determined_Wolf
Oh my goodness! He looks like a little bean that couldn't kill you. That's great! The statues of the gods are awesome and I especially love Suca!
Yayyy! I am glad you like him and the statues! The only problem is that Diamond kinda looks too wholesome for some of the things he says and does-