
I'll be posting my character ships here and how they met. I will post current relationships and relationships I want to happen. I'll post any family they have as well.
Characters: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=21&t=28309
Bone x Wings: Page 1 Ryan Coal x Alex Geovani: Page 1 Willow x Lily: Page 1 Edited at January 23, 2019 08:11 AM by Wings57

Bone x Wings
How they met: Both were used as human experiments and were locked in the same cell. They became great friends and got into all kinds of trouble together and shared the same punishments. Bone always looked out for Wings and even now he does. After their escape them and 98 other human experiments gathered up to create a gang. Wings is the leader of the gang while Bone is her second in command.
Are they currently lovers?: No, Bone does in fact love Wings but he has not told her how he feels. Wings feels the same though.
Will they become lovers?: No, Wings will confess her love to Bone but, this will happen while she is dying so they will never become a thing.
Family together: Wings has an adopted son named Runt. Although it is not a legal adoption but she calls him son and he calls her mom. Runt is another escapee of the experiments. Edited at March 21, 2019 06:44 AM by Wings57

Just gonna sneak in here.
I know this is old and most likely annoying by now and I know he is not your oc but meh.
LeoXLeo (I want death)
Wait Wut he is yours XD welp. Edited at January 23, 2019 07:53 AM by Ticci Toby

Ryan Coal x Alex Geovani
How they met: They went to the same school but never actually talked. Ryan was a bad boy and liked Alex a lot. They were assigned as a group to work together as a team. Ryan invited Alex to do it at his house. Eventually he got Alex to say yes. Once Alex was at his home he took his chance and admitted his feelings but was rejected immediately. Ryan wasn't very happy by this though so he forced a kiss on Alex since Alex was weak he couldn't defend himself. After a while of dealing with Ryan's "love" he eventually came to grow feelings for him.
Are they current lovers: Yes, although it starts one sided Alex learns to love him.
Family together: Eventually they adopt a daughter named Annabelle. They also have a pet named Willow that was originally Alex's. Edited at March 21, 2019 06:45 AM by Wings57

Hahahaha (Leo is my oc I just don't use him. Not to mention I lost his apperance) Edited at January 23, 2019 07:53 AM by Wings57

Willow x Lily
How they met: One day Lily a stray jumped up on a window seal to spot a Siamese Cat with a blue collar. Wondering why a cat would chose the pet life she went inside and talked to the frightened cat. Eventually they both became good friends and met everyday to talk.
Are they currently lovers?: No they are just friends at the moment.
Will they become lovers?: I don't know yet. They might become lovers still not sure.
Family together: Might have them adopt some abandoned kittens if they become lovers. Edited at March 21, 2019 06:46 AM by Wings57