The dragon pauses when the bear cub roars and jumps, ready t battle, though relazes when he notices the oranges. "Good eye!" He chirps happily. Tragdey leans up against the tree, also using it as a wayward marker just in case. - Gather Monkey Oranges and continue exploring
Start Ratatouille Adira As you leave the safety of town, you feel an odd pang of fear in your chest. The screams and the cracking of falling trees in the distance makes your fur stand on end. It's dangerous out here... -You May- Explore West Explore East Explore North
Tragedy The bear cub squeaks as he's validated and waits patiently for you to retrieve the oranges and continue. -You've found 3 Monkey Oranges- Suddenly, a horrible smell hits your nose, like melting plastic. You lift your head and look around only to see a huge plume of smoke upwind of you, barreling towards you at the speed of the wind. You soon see flames to accompany it... Wildfire! -You May- Run! Attempt to Follow Tracks Dig
Adira gulped, it was a lot darker than what she had expected. She sniffed the the cold air and shook the feeling away. No time to back out now. (Go East)
Adira You veer to the East to begin your search when a deer suddenly bounds right in front of you, scaring you out of your skin and nearly making you yelp as it runs off into the forest. Eventually your body soon shakes off the scared feeling and just focuses on what you're looking for. -You May- Continue East Turn West Turn North
Rocky - canine As he looks at the frogs deciding on what to do, Cleopatra takes a few steps toward the frogs , crouching down as if to pounce on them. " no you don't " spoke Rocky as he pushed her back with his paw " how about I just use the netgun on them and you can try helping with the next thing " he chuckled at her slight growl at being pushed away from the frogs. At that he took aim and tried to net a few frogs
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I ain't a coward, she kept insisting to herself as she continued East. Adira now officially hated deer, that deer specifically. Her ears were now twice as perked than usual thanks to it, if they went any higher they would've flown away. (Continue East) Edited at July 19, 2023 09:55 PM by Not Debbie
Rocky You take aim and fire, quickly pulling the net back up out of the pond. -You've caught a Common Orange Fungal Frog!- Remembering you need 5 and realizing how easy this is, you wonder if you could catch them all right here? -You May- Use Netgun Check Traps Explore More
Adira As you continue east, thinking about how you dispise the deer and keeping your brain on the sounds around you, your paws neglect the path under your feet, as it turns from cobblestone, to dirt, to brambles. Finally, you look up at the sound of rushing water, and find yourself at the bank of a river! A bit further on, there's a small stump and a fishing rod, along with 5 worms on a hook. -You May- Stop to Fish A Bit Explore Along the River Cross the River and Continue East
Adira stared at the bucket, sniffing the worms inside it. "Welp, shouldn't have left your bucket," she said out loud while looking around. She shrugged and grinned to herself as she took the opportunity to cast the line. (Stop to fish)