9/10 I do know that lol Did you know Sharks don't have bones? Instead, they have a skeleton made up of cartilage.
0/10 Had no clue! - Did you know a snail can sleep up to three years?
7/10 Nope. 😭 Then the snail we saw might have been sleeping. -- Did you know that our hair is made up of our dead cells?
0/10 nope did you know that one characteristic of a snake known as the boomslang's venom is the illusion of complete recovery, followed by sudden relapse and death?
7/10, I did actually, but I heard it fairly recently. -- Did you know that sperm whales actually have regional "accents" depending on what pod they're from? They have distinctly different ways of calling to each other that can be used by members of a group to identify who is from what group. Whales are endlessly fascinating and inspiring, in my opinion.
8/10- that's really cool! I did not know any of that!! Whales are awesome! -- Did you know, a duck has more neck bones than a giraffe.
8/10.. But how?? *^* -- Did you know that our bodies are 90% water? -- My viewpoint of the fact: It is a bit odd since water can drown our lungs, or we can die because of water. I want to say something in my mind, so ignore the following: So basically our bodies is our death beforehand and we were lucky to live past the first breath. Too much water drowns us, and not enough water kills us. *Beluga face* This is accurate, right?
yes 1/10 did you know a rattler dose not have to be alive to bit you but can moments after death can still bit
0/10 -- Same goes for us a bit. After we die, our brain still functions for 30 seconds. Assuming that the death is natural, of course. (That is my Did You Know..)
7/10- creepy, I had know idea!? -- Cats can be allergic to humans.