
Vincent said "let's watch the movie that you have talked about. I love spending time with you too. You are beautiful and I am lucky to have you in my life and I am glad that we are going to be getting married to each other. Thank you for making my life complete." He was feeling calm as he was not sure what she was going to do. (Sorry it's short.)

"Alright. There's no need to thank me though," Sky replied as she turned on the TV and played the movie. She got off of his lap so he could see and she spooned out the Ice Cream for them while the movie played. She handed him his bowl and spoon and then grabbed hers. Sky was quiet as she sat with him as the movie played. "I can call my doctor in the morning to make an appointment to see the baby," Sky noted so he knew.

Vincent said "okay." He was feeling nervous about what the doctor would say about the baby. Vincent ask "do you want me to go with you? I can understand if you say no." He thanked her for the ice cream. Vincent was nervous as he was not sure what was going to happen next as he was wanting to do something nice for Sky but he knew that he needed to think of what to give her for Christmas since he wanted her to feel happy with the gift. Vincent knew that he would do anything for her. Vincent felt calm.

"You can go with me to the appointment. I know you have things to do tomorrow so I'm going to try and schedule it for later in the day," Sky answered him before turning back to the movie. She was feeling calm and relaxed as she sat with him while eating her ice cream while she watched the movie with Vincent. She was quiet as she listened to the movie and also to things around her. (Sorry it's short.) Edited at January 6, 2024 12:41 PM by Dawn of the Sky

Vincent said "I was just going to the store tomorrow but we can go any time that you want to go." Rose was asleep in her dog bed as she was allowed to be out of her cage since she would only be in her cage when they went to where Mark lives or if they were going to be going for a car trip. Vincent went quiet as as he was watching the movie. (Sorry it's short.)

Sky heard Vincent and nodded as she set her bowl down on the coffee table. She snuggled up to Vincent and rested her head against his arm since she was 5 foot 6, and he was much taller than her. Sky continued to watch the movie but she was getting tired. She didn't want to go upstairs yet though since she enjoyed being with Vincent, but she fell asleep against him before the movie ended. She was still quiet as she fell asleep.

Vincent saw that she was asleep after the movie had ended so he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. Vincent knew that he would protect her and their baby from anyone and anything that would be dangerous for them. Vincent was still in love with Sky and it was showing since she was his true love. (Sorry it's short again.)

Sky peacefully slept and never woke up as Vincent carried her to their room. She slept quietly as she was laid down under the covers. Sky curled up in bed as she wanted to be with Vincent and felt him beside her and she snuggled right up to him. She loved being with him and she was glad that they were together. Sky had more classes tomorrow, but it wouldn't take the whole day, so she had time to be with Vincent and go to their appointment. Edited at January 6, 2024 07:07 PM by Dawn of the Sky

Vincent was sleeping by Sky as he was tried and he knew that he would have to do something nice for Sky but he would have to wait until he could think of what to do. Vincent decided that he would cook Sky's favorite dinner dish again as he was wanting to make sure that she felt special. Vincent was feeling love for Sky as he was not sure what was going to happen next but he stayed asleep since he was not wanting to leave Sky's side at all. Rose had woken up and she went to the couch to sleep so ce it was more comfortable in her opinion. Rose fell asleep on Vincent's pillow that he uses for his naps.

Sky got up in the morning and got ready for her day of classes. Sky put on a button up shirt and a skirt that had a belt. She put on some heels and her fancy sunglasses. Sky put her hair into a part up, part down style and had some cereal for breakfast. Sky grabbed her clutch purse and put her keys and stuff in it. Sky gave Vincent a kiss goodbye and then left for the day as she didn't want to wake him up as she didn't like waking people up as it always bothered her since she liked to sleep in and didn't want to be mean to others. Sky walked to the college and then sat down for her first class.