
Mark said "alright. We can have the babies here. I want you to be comfortable and happy when it is time to have them. I love helping you with the kids. It gives me a great pride in knowing them when they are here in the world." Mark kissed her back. Vincent said "I love you too, Sky." He kept kissing her and he began to take the reins and he felt protective of her. Vincent whispered in her ear "my beautiful Sky." He felt happy with her and he knew that she would be his only girlfriend.

"Alright. Sounds good," Andrea said as she continued to kiss him as she was feeling calm and relaxed. She was happy to be with him as they kissed and cuddled. Andrea eventually fell asleep though since she was tired and had a long day with Mark. "Vincent," Sky said softly as she and Vincent went at it for at least an hour until they were both relieved. Then Sky cuddled up with Vincent as she was glad to be with him. "What time do you want to leave tomorrow?" Sky asked Vincent as she laid on the bed with him.

Mark smiled softly and he began to fall asleep as he was tried and he wanted to make sure that Andrea was okay. Vincent said "I have to leave here around 11:30 to get to the airport. My flight does not leave until 12:30. I also got a new upgrade. We are going to be flying in a private jet with my puppy. He is completely fine with the jet and this jet even has a bed that you can sleep in." Vincent look at her as he was happy to be with her. Vincent was cuddled up to her.

Sky listened to him and said, "I love that. I can't wait to go." Then she listened to his heartbeat and fell asleep as she was comfortable with him and happy with him. She woke around 10:30 and got ready to leave with Vincent. Meanwhile, Andrea was sleeping with Mark, but woke up around 8:00 in the morning to a contraction. "Ahh," Andrea sighed in pain as she sat up and was tense as she went through the contraction, but sighed in relief when it ended.

Vincent smiled and he fell asleep. Vincent woke up at the same time that Sky did and he got ready to leave. Vincent kissed Sky and he whispered "I love you beautiful." He smiled as he was ready to go. Vincent got his puppy ready to go as this was not going to be the last time that they were going to fly. Mark woke up around the same time that Andrea did and he saw she was in pain. (Sorry it's short.)

"Just a contraction. I'm sorry I woke you up," Andrea said to Mark. She continued to have contractions up to when Sky and Vincent were getting ready to leave, but she wanted to say goodbye to them first. Andrea went out into the main room and saw them heading out and she gave them both a hug and said good luck and that she loved them. "I love you too, Mom," Sky said before hugging her father and saying her goodbyes to him too. Sky then headed out with Vincent and Andrea watched them leave for the airport. "Ahh," Andrea groaned more loudly as she had another contraction on the way back to their room and her water broke too.

Mark said "you didn't wake me up." He hugged Sky back and he watched her go. Mark was glad that Sky was with Vincent as he knew Vincent would protect her. Vincent drove them to them airport and he was being careful due to everyone being out and already driving around. Mark went to Andrea's side and he said "let's get you back to their room so that we can get ready for you to have the twins." Mark was going to make sure that Andrea would be okay and he was staying by her side as he knew that he needed to be with her.

Andrea nodded and went with him to their room as she continued to have contractions. She was only at 4 centimeters, so she still had a while until she had the twins, but she laid down on her side that was more comfortable and tried to relax while she waited with Mark. The pain was making her sick to her stomach though and she got up and went to the bathroom to throw up. Meanwhile, Sky was comfortable while she was with Vincent as he drove them to the airport and he went with her onto the jet and sat down in her seat and buckled in. Sky held onto Vincent's hand as this was only her second time flying and it still bothered her a little as it made her sick to her stomach.

Mark was staying in the room as he was staying on the bed as he was waiting for Andrea. Mark felt bad that she was going though this pain and he wanted to make sure that she felt comfortable with everything. Mark was feeling nervous about what was going to happen next. Vincent was holding Sky's hand as his puppy was on the plane in a cage since the plane would be high up in the sky. Vincent put a blanket over the puppy so that she would sleep during the flight. Vincent said "I love you Sky." Their bags and suitcases were on the plane.

Andrea finished throwing up and went back to the bed with a trash can by the bed. She laid down and was able to get some sleep before her next contraction came as her contractions were still all over the place. Meanwhile, Sky looked at Vincent and smiled a little as she was glad he was there with her as she wanted to feel safe and comfortable while she was flying. Sky managed to do okay for the flight and then relaxed when they got to New York City and got off with Vincent.