
Mark just gave a small smile as he felt like he would should never be protective of anyone ever again. Mark was not sure what was going to happen next and he was feeling calm as he began to relax and he was hoping that Andrea would be okay with his decision about not being protective of everyone again. Mark began to relax as he knew that he was safe but he felt like he had nothing to worry about. Goren notice a red stay on the pillow that Mark had used and he bought it with him. Goren began to whine as he could sense that something was wrong with Mark.

Andrea noticed he was starting to relax but Bruce also saw the red stain on the pillow. *Mommy? There's a red stain on Daddy's pillow.* Bruce signed and Andrea saw it too. "Mark, what did you do?" Andrea asked as she checked him for wounds and saw some cuts. Bruce went and got the stitching kit for Andrea and Andrea took it and began to clean the cuts.

Mark said "I accidentally hit my head against the nightstand by the bed." There was a cut on the side of Mark's head but it was not a deep wound. Mark had tears in his eyes as it hurt but Mark pretend to be okay. Mark said "I will be okay." He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next. (Sorry it's short.)

"I'll be careful. I promise," Andrea replied as she was careful as she cleaned his wounds and began to patch them up. Andrea was gentle as she stitched up his wounds and them put clear bandages on them so they wouldn't get infected. "There you go. Now, why don't we get you something to eat. I'm sure you're starving," Andrea said as she put the stitching kit back and brought him some pain meds and some food that was part of her meal that Mark had ordered for her. Bruce said goodnight to them and went upstairs and went to bed as he was tired. Andrea stayed right by Mark's side as she made sure he was going to be okay.

Mark said "I am not really hungry." He took the medicine as he was not hungry. Mark was not sure what was going to happen next as he was not wanting to feel like a burden to Andrea or anyone else. Mark ask "what would you like to do next?" Mark was not sure what Andrea would say but he was staying close to her. Mark look at Andrea and he was feeling relax as he knew that he would do anything for Andrea as he wanted her to be happy. Mark was feeling safe with Andrea by him but he was thinking that he was just being a pain in the neck.

"Please eat. For me. I don't want to do anything else until you eat. After then we can go upstairs and cuddle. How does that sound?" Andrea explained. She looked at him as she still had the food in her hands as she was waiting for him to take it and eat it. Andrea was very serious when she wanted him to eat it or she was going to feed it to him herself. "Please?" Andrea asked as she looked at him with puppy eyes.

Mark said "okay. I will eat." Mark took the plate of food and he began to eat. Mark was a little shaky due to the fall but he was trying hard not show it. Mark was not wanting anyone to see him as hopeless. Mark said "I hate to bother you. But, I need some help." He felt embarrassed as he look at her and he was not sure what she was going to do. Mark was feeling nervous about what was going to happen next. Mark was hoping that Andrea would not be mad at him at all. Mark look at Andrea as he was feeling unsure of what was going to happen next.

Andrea watched as he began to eat but could tell he was struggling. "Of course," Andrea answered before taking the plate of food and began to feed him. She never got upset or mad at him as she knew he was struggling. She fed him and then brought his plate to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. "Do you want to stay here or do you want to go upstairs to the bed?" Andrea asked as she went back to him. Andrea went to him and bent down to him as she looked at him.

Mark was thankful to that he had her to help him. Mark said "let's go upstairs." He stood up but he was a little weak but he was staying standing and he was ready to go to bed. Mark said "thank you for helping me." He smiled softly as he look at her. Mark had no idea what was going to happen next and he wanted to stay close to her. (Sorry it's short again.)

"Alright," Andrea said before picking him and bringing him upstairs since she could tell that he was still a little weak and wanted to help him. "What do you want to do once we get there?" Andrea asked as she brought him to their room and helped him get his pyjamas on and then put the covers over him so he could be warm. Andrea got her pyjamas on too and then snuggled up to him and smiled. "I'm glad you're okay," Andrea noted.