
Goren saw this and he immediately went to Andrea and he made sure to lay his head on her so that she could clam down from the stress. Mark said "Andrea." He immediately held her hand as he kissed her cheek as he was starting to worry about her. Mark was worried as he felt like it was his fault for everything that was happening. Mark felt even more guilty for the seizures that Andrea was having. Mark kissed her forehead and he whispered "I will never leave you Andrea." His heart was breaking even more.

Andrea eventually snapped out of her seizures and found herself lying down with Goren's head on her chest. She also felt Mark holding her hand and she saw him and that he was still with her. "Thank you, you two. I am truly sorry though for what happened and making you upset. I'm not going to bring him back. I even have a name for him. Toast. He looks like a piece of toast," Andrea said, smiling a little as she thanked Goren while petting him. Then Andrea sat up and rested her head against Mark's arm, burning up from a fever from the stress from beforehand.

Mark said "it's okay. I know you have been under a lot of stress. I think we should do like a vacation and have time to ourselves but only if you want. I don't want to pressure you into going if you don't want to." Goren began to wag his tail as he was listening to them. Mark said "it's not your fault. But, i do have some news to tell you. Before you got Goren. he had puppies with another dog. I got a call from the people who trained him. They figured that hey should let us know just in case we needed another dog." He chuckled softly.

"I agree to the vacation. I think we both really need it after what happened today. But maybe we get the dog for Vincent," Andrea said. She was still disappointed that only Mark said Happy Birthday to her today as Bruce had forgotten. Andrea was also still upset that they lost the twins on her birthday today. "We should plan the vacation for as soon as possible. I'm already depressed," Andrea noted. She got up and put her pyjamas on and then got back in bed. She looked at her stomach as she was supposed to have 10 more weeks being pregnant but it never happened. Andrea looked back up at Mark and cuddled up to him. She had already took her sleeping medication, but due to being sad, she couldn't sleep even with the medication.

Mark said "I actually have an idea place that we could go to. I was thinking Italy. But, we can go anywhere that you want to go." He could tell she was feeling sad so he began to snuggle up to her. Mark ask "what if I can't give you anymore kids? I mean since I am old." He was worried about her and kids. Mark wanted to give Andrea as many kids that she wanted but he had fear that he would not be able to do. Mark look at her as he cuddled up to her. Mark kissed her forehead.

"We can go to Italy. That's okay with me. Also, I want to be able to have more children with you. At least 2 more to replace the twins. That's all," Andrea said to Mark. She felt him snuggle up with her and she snuggled back, though she was still feeling very sad. Andrea laid there as she couldn't sleep and she felt Mark kiss her forehead. Andrea had tears roll down her face again from sadness but she never cried out loud. She snuggled closer to him and put her head against his heart, but still couldn't sleep.

Mark said "we can have two more kids. I want you to be happy my beautiful lady. " He felt bad as he wanted her to be happy but he was wanting to make sure that she was going to be okay. Mark said "maybe we could try for babies in Italy. I want you to be happy with everything. I want you to be special." He stayed close to her and he began to rub her back. (Sorry it's short.)

"I like the sounds of that. We can do that," Andrea replied back as she heard him talk. She was still struggling to go to sleep until he started to rub her back. She was curled up as close as she could get to him and started to get drowsy when he began to rub her back. Andrea yawned and then fell asleep as it made her tired. That was exactly what she needed to get to sleep. Andrea was asleep for the rest of the night and didn't hear anything as Bruce came into their room and complained that his stomach was upset and that he didn't feel good. Because of Andrea's medication, it took much more to wake her up as it really knocked her out once she got to sleep.

Mark heard Bruce and he got up as he was worried about him. Mark signed *let's go see a doctor. They might know what is wrong.* He picked Bruce up and he carried him downstairs. Mark had left a note for Andrea which Goren had taken up to their room. Mark took Bruce to see a doctor as he wanted to make sure that it was nothing serious but he was worried about him. Mark was not sure what was happening but he felt worried even more as the fear of loosing his son was in his mind. Mark got to the doctor's office and he parked the SUV. Mark got out and he got Bruce out as he was hoping that Bruce was going to be okay. Mark got inside and the doctor saw Bruce right away.

Bruce was quiet as they drove to the doctor's not understanding why he didn't feel good as it was different than when he just had a stomach bug. He didn't know what it was but he was hoping that the doctor would. Bruce went in with his father to see the doctor and the doctor checked him out and then explained to Mark what the problem was. Meanwhile, Andrea was still asleep as Goren left the note on her nightstand. She was curled up in bed, thinking Mark was with her as she slept the entire time. She was calm and she slept peacefully as she needed the rest after what had happened and all the stress it put on her.