
Mark said "yes. We can stay in bed and cuddle." He drove to home and he parked the SUV into the garage. Goren was awake and he was waiting by the door as he was waiting for Mark to come inside. Goren was always happy when Mark and Andrea came home. Mark helped Andrea out of the car and he opened the door to see Goren right there but Goren began to walk away as he saw the other dog. Goren ran back to Bruce's room and stayed there. Goren was feeling like he was being replaced. Mark said "that was unexpected." Mark felt guilty for what had happened and now he felt worse.

Andrea got out with Mark and she was thankful as he helped her inside. She saw Goren run upstairs and sighed softly. "It's okay. He'll get used to him eventually," Andrea said as they went inside. Bruce was in the living room and felt the door close and he turned excited to meet his younger siblings, but he was confused as to why they weren't there when he looked. *Where's the twins? What happened?* Bruce signed and Andrea's eyes filled up with tears again and he realized what happened. *I'm so sorry Mommy and Daddy.* Bruce signed as he got up and hugged his father first and then hugged his Mom. Bruce then went back to his father as he had a strong connection with him and asked if there was anything he could do for them.

Goren came back downstairs but he refused to go near Mark and Andrea. Mark felt guilty as he felt like he was loosing his friend. Goren had his collar on which had all the information on it and Goren went to the back yard as he was feeling rejected. Goren began to whine as he laid down outside. Mark signed that they just needed time to heal. Goren began to search for a way out of the backyard and he managed to find a weak spot in the backyard. Goren knew he would be leaving his friend behind but he wanted to go away from the new dog. Goren got out and he began to run from his home.

Andrea went outside and saw Goren escape and ran through the house and out the front door as she called Goren's name. She continued to chase him for at least a mile until she finally caught up to him, since she used to be in cross-country and track and field in college and high school. "Goren, buddy. We're not replacing you. We just lost the twins today and I'm sad about it. Today was my birthday. Mark got the other dog for my birthday but by no means is he replacing you. You'll still be our top dog. We need you, Goren. Please," Andrea said as she hugged him softly and was sitting down on the curb as she was petting him, hoping that he'd understand.

Goren whined as he understood her but he still felt he was being replaced as he knew he would have the share the kids attention with the new dog. Goren was willing to go back home but he refused to be in the same room as the new dog. Goren began to walk back home as he stayed at a distance with Andrea as he was not sure if he would ever like the new dog but he knew he would have to get along with him. Goren was sad as he was watching the cars going by and he was hoping that he would be the only dog that got the kids attention.

Andrea could tell he understood but that he was still upset and was wishing there was something they could do. Andrea decided it would be best to bring the other dog back in order to make Goren and everyone else happy as she didn't want anyone to be upset. Andrea walked behind Goren and got him back into the house. "I think we should bring the German Shepherd back. I don't want to force Goren to be happy and get along with him if he doesn't want to. I want to make everyone happy," Andrea sighed as she told Mark her opinion. She looked at him as she closed the door and locked it. She wasn't sure what he'd think, but she was hoping he'd be okay with it since she didn't want Goren to be mad for forcing him to be happy with the new dog.

Mark felt his heart break as he knew he could never do anything right. Mark said "he is your dog. Do whatever you want with him." Mark began to feel depressed so he went upstairs and closed the door to their bedroom as he wanted to be alone. Mark felt like everything was his fault and he began to have a panic attack which Goren started barking as he went upstairs but he could not go into their room as he was barking loudly but Mark refused to let him in the bedroom. Goren knew he needed help which came from the new dog who happened to know how to open doors. Goren decided to give the new dog a chance as he went to Mark. The new dog stayed where he was and Goren bowed his head in respect.

Andrea heard him and felt bad but she saw Goren bark and the new dog go upstairs and open the door. Andrea ran upstairs and saw Goren bow his head in respect and knew to give the new dog a chance. Andrea hugged Mark and put his head against her heart as she sat on bed with him. Andrea had tears in her eyes as she continued to hug and protect Mark as she felt like she needed him since they lost the twins and he was always able to help her get through things. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Andrea repeated to Mark as she hugged him tightly as she never wanted to let him go as she was afraid that she was going to lose him too.

Mark hugged Andrea back and he said "it's okay. It's not your fault." He began to relax as he felt safe now and he knew that he would do anything to keep them safe. Mark was thankful that he had Andrea with him but he was even more grateful that Goren was going to be giving the new dog a chance. Goren was staying at a distance as he was watching them. (Sorry it's short.)

Andrea heard him and her breathing was ragged as she felt like she was going to lose him and she didn't want to leave him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Andrea repeated again before going into an absence seizure as her repeative words were a signal. She zoned out as she went into her seizure as she was stressed out about everything and knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep very well that night. Andrea was still going through her absence seizures from her stress about her twins and her husband. She was starting to stress out about death and was scared of it.