
Vincent was staying awake on the airplane but he made sure to cover Sky with a blanket. Vincent even made sure to get her favorite drink while she was asleep. Vincent made sure to close the door which gave them privacy as he wanted to make sure that Sky got all the rest she needed. Vincent was staying awake as he did not want to make Sky uncomfortable at all. Vincent was being quiet while Sky slept. Mark said that it was okay. Mark was glad that it was just Andrea and not someone else who had kicked him. Mark was feeling relax and he was looking at her. Mark did not blame Andrea at all as he knew it was hard being pregnant with twins as he had friends who had twins before.

Sky was still asleep as she felt Vincent cover her with a blanket. She woke up when he got her her favorite drink and she thanked him and then drank it. She liked the privacy he gave her with the door so that she could get the rest she needed and she eventually went back to sleep, leaning against Vincent's arm. She was calm and relaxed as she slept for the rest of the plane ride. When they got to their destination, she woke back up and helped Vincent with the bags and getting their suitcases. Then she went with him to his apartment. Meanwhile, Andrea listened to Mark and felt calmer as she was glad he wasn't upset by what happened. She was still awake as she occasionally tensed up from the pain of the Braxton Hicks contractions and the twins moving so harshly in her stomach. Andrea was able to go back to sleep again sitting up against the headboard after a while.

Vincent took her to his house which was big and had a lot of space. Vincent smiled softly as he unlocked the door and he moved out of the way so that Sky could go inside first. Vincent said "I hope you like it. I will show you to the guest bedroom so that you can get settled in. Than in a while we can go get lunch and I will let you call your parents whenever you want to." He smiled softly as he felt relax. Mark stayed where he was as he was worried about her and he could not fall back asleep at all.

Sky listened to Vincent and nodded as she thanked him again for bringing her here. She didn't realize that it was a full house as she just thought it was a regular apartment but ran around the house, taking everything in as she inspected the entire house in awe. She absolutely loved his place and she had a big smile on her face as she found the little library. Meanwhile, Andrea was asleep and then woke up again from the pain, but then went back and forth between sleep and being awake in pain. She saw that Mark was awake and couldn't sleep and she asked him if he was okay.

Vincent smiled softly as he took her bags and suitcases to the guest bedroom which has a bed that was a built with a staircase and a mattress in the middle of it. The bed was a mix between a bed and a bookcase. Vincent was hoping that Sky would like it but he was not going to force her to like anything if she didn't think it was nice. Mark heard her and he said that he was okay. Mark has to go use the bathroom which he got up and went to use as he was not wanting to cause any problems. Mark's side was hurting which he was keeping a secret.

Sky went to Vincent and saw her room. She loved it and inspected the entire room in awe. She was just loving the entire place, including her room and she told him that. Meanwhile, Andrea heard Mark and saw him get up but she could tell his side was hurting. She went downstairs and got him some pain medication and was back upstairs in their room when he came out of the bathroom. "I noticed you were in pain so I got you some pain meds for your side," Andrea said as she handed him the pain medications. She bent over when she felt the contractions again but she insisted she was okay and that they were just Braxton Hicks contractions since that's what she thought since it was still quite early in her pregnancy since she was only 26 weeks.

Vincent was happy that Sky loved it and he said that if she wanted to go to take a break from LA than she was more than welcomed to come over to New York and stay at his house. Vincent knew that if Sky wanted and they did date when she was older than he would always let her come with him to New York. Mark look at Andrea and he said "thank you." He was thankful. (Sorry it's short.)

"Of course. Now. I need a minute," Andrea said before turning back towards the bed and got back on the bed. She was sitting up again but it was weird because she was in a lot of pain. She knew that it could be bad if she was having actual contractions so she hoped they were just Braxton Hicks contractions. "Babe, could you perhaps check my cervix? I just want to be sure I'm not having actual contractions," Andrea asked Mark as she turned on a light as she was in more pain than she was before when she had Braxton Hicks. Andrea looked at Mark as she wasn't sure what he'd do.

Mark check and he was surprised as he said "ummm. It looks like you are having contractions. Like actual ones" he look at her as he was not sure what she wanted him to do next as he had checked what she wanted him to. Mark was worried about her as he was not sure what this meant as he never experienced anything like this before at all. Mark look at her as he was going to do whatever she wanted him to do next. Mark kissed her forehead as he felt responsible for everything.

Andrea's face looked at him in shock as she was so confused. She checked herself to be double sure and sure enough she was 3 centimeters dilated already. "This isn't good. This isn't good. I can't have them this early. We haven't picked out names or finished their room. They're going to be underdeveloped. I don't know how to stop it though or even if I can," Andrea said as she started to panic and stress out. She felt him kiss her forehead and she said that they'll figure it out and that none of this is either of their faults as sometimes it happens. Andrea wasn't sure what else to do as she didn't want them to die from being still underdeveloped.