
Vincent said "that would be fun. You can see all of my books that I have." He smiled softly as he drove to Mark's house. Vincent added "you can always tell me if you want a book that I have than I will give it to you." He smiled softly as he was looking at her. Mark drove to his house with Bruce. Mark got to the SUV and he parked it in the garage. Mark was feeling relax as he signed *ready to go inside?* Vincent had to take the long way to Mark's house due to traffic. Vincent ask "are you hungry? Or do you want something to drink?"

"I should ask Mom and Dad at dinner if we can do that. I love reading so that would be very fun and if my parents see that it will be fine then I'm sure they'll let me go. I'm not hungry or thirsty at the moment though. Thanks for asking," Sky said to Vincent as they continued to drive as they were stuck in traffic. Bruce saw Mark and nodded his head and got out and went inside with Mark. Andrea heard them come inside, but she was in the middle of carrying another dresser into the twins room as it wasn't right the first time.

Vincent smiled softly as he said "alright. That would be awesome. Alright, let me know if you need anything. I hope that they will though I think they might ask which house you want to go to since I have two. I have one in New York and one here." He chuckled softly as he finally got Marks house. Mark helped carry stuff inside and he saw Andrea as he heard some noise. Mark ask "would you like some help?" He was worried about her. Goren was looking at her and he was feeling tried. Goren was laying on his bed.

Andrea heard Mark and jumped a little, causing her to drop the dresser on her foot. She yelped but then turned back to him. "I'm good. Thank you though," Andrea said though the pain as she turned back to the dresser. Bruce felt the bang of the noise and went upstairs and asked what happened since he wanted to make sure everything was okay. Sky listened to Vincent and smiled as she nodded happily as she told him that she wanted to go to the one in New York with him. She went inside with him and helped him carry the cribs to the twins' room.

Mark said "okay." He look at her as he was feeling happy that they were going to be okay. Mark signed to Bruce what had happened and that everything was going to be okay. Vincent listened to her and he was happy if she was able to go with him back to New York. Vincent look at Andrea and he ask "do you want the cribs put up today or no?" He look at her. (Sorry it's short.)

Andrea picked the dresser up off of her foot and then set it back down and saw Vincent and Sky come into the room. "Not today," Andrea answered through pain as she walked out of the room. She took heavy breaths as she breathed through the pain radiating in her leg and foot from dropping the dresser on herself. "Are you okay, Mom?" Sky asked and Andrea said that she dropped the dresser on her foot, but once she took some pain medication that she would be okay. Sky said okay and asked Andrea about going to New York with Vincent for a weekend to spend time with him in his apartment and Andrea agreed and said that it was fine with her as long as Mark agreed. Sky was excited and went to ask Mark the question.

Vincent said "okay." He look at her as he felt bad. Mark heard them and he agreed that Sky could go over to New York City with Vincent. Vincent look at Sky as he was happy to they agreed to let her go with him as he knew he would do anything for Sky. Vincent was just hoping that everything would be okay and he saw Goren coming up the stairs to check on Andrea and he was worried about her. Goren bark softly as he was not sure what had happened.

Sky was happy and stayed with Vincent as she was excited to be spending the weekend with him in New York City. She looked at him and smiled as she gave him a hug. Andrea saw Goren and heard him bark and thought that it was because of Mark, so she walked fast over to him and asked if he was okay as she wasn't sure if he was going to have a panic attack or not. "Goren barked and I thought he was alerting me that you were going to have a panic attack. Are you alright?" Andrea said to Mark as she gave him a hug, showing her pain from her foot and leg but continued to focus on Mark as she wanted to make sure he was okay first.

Vincent was happy that Sky was going to be seeing New York. Vincent hugged her back and he was hoping that Sky would be okay in New York. Vincent knew he would always make sure that she would be happy. Mark said "I am okay Andrea. I think he is barking since you are in pain. I think he is worried about you." Goren began to whine as he knew that no one would listen to him. Goren was worried about Andrea and he laid down by Sky since Sky was the one who normally petted him. Goren was looking at Sky.

"Oh," Andrea said, surprised as she didn't think he'd bark because of her pain as he was trained for Mark, but she went over to him and pet him. "I'm sorry, Goren. Thank you for being concerned. I'll be okay though," Andrea said to Goren softly before going to the kitchen and taking some pain medication. Then she went back over to Mark and sat down on the couch with him. Sky was sitting with Vincent and saw Goren and was petting him as she was glad he was there with her. "We only have about 12 weeks left before I have the twins. Are you ready for this?" Andrea asked Mark in a soft voice as she whispered it to him as she looked at him.