
Mark said "we can spend time together tomorrow in bed and even after your appointment. " he smiled as he look at her as he was going to let her choose what she wanted to do next. Mark did not want to move at all as he was wanting to stay calm as he was not sure what to do next. (Sorry it's short again.)

"Alright. Thank you. Goodnight, love," Andrea said as she laid there with Mark. She fell asleep again as she knew that she had to get some sleep. Her stomach was good for the rest of the night, but she eventually woke up again during the night. Andrea cuddled up close next to Mark and had his arms wrapped around her as she still kept a pillow under her stomach and she had her head against his chest. She whined softly as she couldn't sleep. Andrea didn't look up at Mark since she wasn't sure if he was awake or not, but she was soft and quiet as she whined while she kept her head against his chest as she was trying to get back to sleep at 5 in the morning.

Mark was awake still and he began to run her back as he was trying to make her feel better but he was not sure if she would be okay or not as he stayed awake with her. Mark whispered "I love you so much Andrea." Mark was going to stay close to her as he did not feel like moving at all until tomorrow as he would have to get his rash check out as he wanted to be careful with it. Mark knew that he would be protective of his family and he was not sure what was going to happen next.

Andrea felt him start to rub her back and she calmed down from her whining as she wanted his attention as that always made her feel better. "I love you too," Andrea said softly in response to what he said to her. Andrea nuzzled his chest with her head as she needed to go to sleep or she was going to become irritable and probably pass out and have more absence seizures. She hasn't gotten that much sleep in days and she was really feeling the effects of it on her body and she couldn't risk losing the baby. "Can we try something different? Me lying down isn't working. Can I try going to sleep while sitting on your lap like I was able to do earlier or will it bother your back too much?" Andrea asked, desperate to try anything to get a lick of sleep as she was really irritable and frustrated that she couldn't get any sleep.

Mark said "we can do that. It won't hurt my back. I will just use a pillow if it does start to hurt." Mark put a pillow against the head rest and he sat up against it as he was going to let her do whatever she wanted to do. Mark was glad to be helping her with whatever he could do for her. Mark ask "do you need me to do anything else or no?" (Sorry it's short.)

"Alright," Andrea said as she waited for Mark to get into position. Once he was ready she went over to him and sat down on his lap softly. She was calmer as she looked at him. "I think I'm alright for now. But thank you, Mark," Andrea replied back to Mark. She could feel herself growing tired and she eventually went to sleep with her head on his shoulder while she sat on his lap. Andrea managed to sleep peacefully for the rest of the night without waking up again.

Mark was asleep after he had seen Andrea asleep. Mark was feeling comfortable with the pillow against the head rest as it seems to help his back. Mark was not wanting her to feel pain at all as he was feeling calm. Mark was not sure what was going to happen next in the morning but he was not going to let anyone hurt his family. Mark was not sure if anyone would be showing up but he knew that Vincent would be able to handle everything that happens. Mark was feeling safe with her there.

Andrea woke up the next morning and yawned as she was happy that she got some sleep. She was quiet though as she saw that Mark was still asleep. Andrea continued to lay in the position she was in when she fell asleep as she didn't want to wake him up. *Mommy? Can I go get breakfast?* Bruce signed to her after he came in softly and saw her awake. *Go ahead sweetie.* Andrea signed back and saw him smile as he left and closed the door gently on his way out. Andrea nuzzled her head against his shoulder and fell back asleep.

Mark was still sleeping as he was tried and he didn't want to get up yet. Mark knew that everything was okay since they had Vincent staying with them. Mark was not sure what was going to happen next but he knew that he would do anything to keep her happy. Vincent was asleep in his room as he was tried but he would wake up if any of the kids would wake up. (Sorry it's short.)

Andrea sighed softly as she woke up again as she knew that they had to get up for their appointments eventually. Andrea got up softly and got dressed and put her hair into a ponytail before going downstairs. *Bruce, baby, no.* Andrea signed as she saw him on top of the counter trying to get the cereal. Bruce almost fell trying but Andrea caught him in time and put him down on the ground. *Bruce, you know you can't do that. You should've told me if you needed help. Now, what cereal do you want?* Andrea signed to him and he started crying. Andrea sighed as she bent down to him and hugged him as she scared him earlier by telling him he couldn't do that. Bruce hugged her back though as he continued to cry as Andrea quietly shushed him so he wouldn't wake everyone up. *Baby, it's okay. You're alright.* Andrea signed to him, trying to reassure him. Bruce looked at her and wiped his tears away. *I want the Cheerios, please.* Bruce answered and Andrea got it for him. She felt dizzy again, but ignored it as she got him his cereal and poured it for him and gave it to him, who took it to the table and began to eat. Andrea then sighed as she put it away and then gripped the edge of the counter as she put her head down to try and get rid of the dizziness.