
Mark was asleep but he woke up as he felt something was wrong with his shirt. Mark began to try to scratch his back but it was hard so he got up and he went to the bathroom to see what's happening. Mark had a rash on his back due the shirt and he felt worried about letting Andrea see it. Mark pretend to be okay as he changed his shirt as he did not want Andrea to worry about him. (Sorry it's short.)

Andrea saw Mark get up and try to itch his back as he got up and went into the bathroom. She could see some of his neck in the back was red and could tell it was from the shirt. When he came back out Andrea got up and took his shirt off and threw it across the room. "Leave it. You don't need it," Andrea said as she went into the bathroom and grabbed the anti-itch cream. Andrea came back out and had Mark sit on the bed as she put the cream onto his back. "It's okay. This'll help take away the itch. Don't worry about making me worried. I was already up, so it doesn't matter. I can't sleep. I'm sorry, love," Andrea explained to Mark as she finished putting the cream on his back and set the bottle on her nightstand in case he needed more later. Andrea went back over to Mark and sat in his lap again as she knew that neither of them could sleep right now. "If you're tired, you can go back to sleep," Andrea noted.

Mark was surprised but he said "thank you Andrea. I just hope the itching can go away. I don't know why all of sudden I have a rash . I always wore that shirt and used the same thing to wash it." He look at her as he was telling the truth as he had no idea what was causing the rash to appear on his back or anything. Mark ask "or could it be something else?" He was very confused on what the rash could be from since he had never experienced anything like it before. Mark was worried that he was causing problems but he was hoping that he was not. Mark wanted Andrea to be happy.

"Maybe you're just starting to become allergic to it. It happens. You're not allergic to something one minute, and then you are the next," Andrea said as she sat with him on his lap again as she talked to him. Andrea was very calm and relaxed as she talked to him since she didn't want him to worry about the issue. "The itching will go away after a little while. It takes a little bit for your body to absorb the cream and for the medication side of it to kick in," Andrea said to Mark. She sighed as she was tired, but couldn't get enough sleep at night to run her life on during the day. Andrea looked at Mark as she was hoping she would feel better but she wasn't sure if she would. "I should go to the doctor's tomorrow or some day this week to see why if this is normal and if there's anything I can take to help me sleep," Andrea suggested as she was feeling more sick to her stomach and whined again in frustration.

Mark said "I can take you tomorrow if you want. The rash is burning me though." He was telling the truth as the rash was burning him and he was unsure of what to do for it. Mark ask "should I get it checked out to see what it is?" He was worried about what it could be and everything. Mark was looking at Andrea as he was staying close to her. Mark was laying on his stomach as it had been a while but the pain was there from the rash.

"You can get it checked out. I'll be right back. Let me go see if I have anything for the burning," Andrea said as she got up and went downstairs. Andrea went to the medicine cabinet and got the medicine for burning and went back upstairs with it. She felt like she was going to throw up, so she handed Mark the medicine and went into the bathroom after closing the door to the bedroom and threw up into the toilet. "I'll be out in a minute," Andrea groaned before throwing up again. She was so sick that she continued to throw up, though she expelled everything she had in her system and it was just now yellow and white bile. Andrea was still very dizzy too and continued to groan softly as she stayed in the bathroom.

Mark heard Andrea and he felt bad that she was not feeling good. Mark was going to do something nice for Andrea. Mark took the medicine for the burning and he was wishing that there was a way for him to take her pain away as he was wanting her to feel happy with everything. Mark was feeling guilty even more as he was not sure what was going to happen next but he was going to try to help her. Mark was thinking of a way as he was wanting her to feel like she had a friend in him as Mark knew that friendship in a marriage is always good. Mark was feeling nervous.

After about an hour in the bathroom, Andrea finally was able to come out of the bathroom. She had rebrushed her teeth after flushing the toilet and made sure she looked okay. She went back over to Mark and laid down with him. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I think I'm alright for now," Andrea said as she got back under the covers and had the pillows in place as she laid on her left side again. She looked at him as she felt bad that she was sick but she knew he would take care of her and make sure she was happy.

Mark said "don't be sorry. I just want you to be careful and I want you to be happy." He was feeling relax as he was not sure what was going to happen next but he was staying close to her. Mark said "let me know if you need me to get you anything. I don't care if I am in pain as I want you to be feeling better." (Sorry it's short.)

"I will be careful. I'll probably just stay in bed tomorrow besides my appointment so I can get the rest I need. Will you stay with me? The kids have Vincent to help keep them company for the day," Andrea asked as she looked at him. She wanted to just stay in bed and not do anything tomorrow, but she knew that she'd have to go to her appointment as they also find out the baby's gender. Andrea looked at Mark as she was unsure of what he was going to say.