
Mark said "Andrea, don't listen to those people. You are amazing. Please never forget that. You have me and Sky and Bruce who are willing to do anything to make sure you are happy." He look at her as he was not wanting her to feel sad or anything like that. Mark was still in love with Andrea just like he was when they first met. Mark kissed her. (Sorry it's short.)

"I know, but the things they're saying feels so real and it's hard not to listen to them. I know I have you and our kids, and I don't want to loose that. I love you too," Andrea explained to Mark as she did feel like things were going downhill for her. Andrea felt Mark kiss her and she kissed him back as she didn't want to loose him. She loved her family and her life, but she was having mixed emotions about herself. "What do you want to do today? I was just thinking about having a chill day since I want to have you all to myself today," Andrea asked as she looked at him.

Mark said "We can have a chill day with just us." He picked her up and he gave her a hug as he did not want Andrea to listen to the voices. Mark knew he would have to do anything in his power to make sure that she saw how much she meant to him. Mark said "I am taking a break from acting. I don't think I want to keep acting for a while. I want to spend time you and our family." He was going to take a break from the acting since he wanted to make sure that Andrea felt happy.

Andrea smiled as he picked her up and hugged her. She was only two inches shorter than him, but she still likes being picked up by Mark. "You don't have to do that. I know how much you enjoy acting and know you're really good at it and people appreciate it," Andrea said after she heard him say that he was going to take a break from acting. She looked at Mark as she wasn't sure what he was going to say about it.

Mark said "I want to Andrea. It doesn't feel right if I have to go to another state to do a movie when my family is right here. Sometimes, I get lonely without my family. I mean before we met, I felt like I was missing something in my life and I was right. I was missing a family. When we met I realized that I never wanted to be away from you. Now that we have Sky and Bruce, I don't want to let you or our family go." He look at her as he was telling the truth.

"We're okay though when you leave. We have Lawrence and Vincent who help me take care of the kids when you're gone. You don't have to pause acting because of us. We'll survive a couple of months while you're filming. We love you and we know you'll come back to us," Andrea explained as she didn't want him to pause acting because of them. Andrea looked at Mark as they walked into their bedroom since she wanted to cuddle with him and watch a movie together while she had him here with her.

Mark began to feel like they didn't need him at all and he decided just to pretend to be happy. Mark said "fine, I will continue to act than." He went quiet as he did not want to talk anymore as he felt his heart breaking but he was refusing to show any emotion of what he was feeling. Mark did not know if he did feel love by his family. Mark got on the bed and sat down. Mark was going to let Andrea choose a movie. Mark was glad to be back in bed since he was feeling tried again.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I didn't mean to make you feel like we didn't love you. We do love you and your acting. If you want to take a break, that's okay with me and the kids will be fine with it too. I love you, Mark. I'm really sorry I made you upset," Andrea explained as she gave Mark a hug. She was hearing voices again, but she focused all her might on Mark and making sure he was happy again. (Sorry it's short.)

Mark said "it's fine. I will keep acting. I can tell when I am not wanted." He look away from her as he was feeling unwanted and felt like maybe he should just give up his emotions again so that Andrea would be happy without him there. Mark said "you have nothing to be sorry about." He look like he wanted to cry as he did feel like his family did not want him anymore. (Sorry it's short.)

"I never said you aren't wanted. I don't mean that at all. I just felt like you love acting and that you should continue to pursue it. But, you don't have to keep acting right now if you don't want to. I love you. We all love you. I have everything to be sorry about because I made you upset and now you're going to cry because I hurt you by saying things I shouldn't have," Andrea explained to Mark as the voices kept getting louder. She looked at Mark as she felt awful for what she did and didn't want him to be upset at all.