Haven rasied her head and looked and him before lowering her ears. Standing she moved closer to him before laying back down and curling up again her pelt brushing his. "Honestly I'm worried, i trust our packs but what if before they get her we get drugged again and can't stop them from taking us like we did this time." she said softly before glancing up at him "Thank you for that by the way." she told him her tail flicking.
Alex looked at her and said "We have to have faith in our packs and leave it to them." ALex heard her say thank you and so he said "No problem." Alex said "Can i be honest with you?" He thought She is pretty but the packs are at odds...I wish they weren't.
Haven lifted her head and watched him "What is it?" she asked. As she watched him Haven couldn't help but think about how he helped her and how her was handsom. Flicking her tail she remembered the packs but that had happened when they were young pups. Even though she knew her fmaily would not be happy with her especialy Will. Her cousin was like an over protective brother.
Alex looked at her and said "I don't really wanna be alpha of my pack and you are beautiful....I-umm." She couldn't think of what to say and he thought Damn it you idiot she will probably think your crazy or maybe im just worrying. He felt his pelt getting hot and he looked in the opposite direction.
Haven blinked at him slowly before reaching out and playful nipped at his ear, Settling her head back down on her paws she pushed her side farther into his and huffed "you're not to bad yourself" she said softly "But what do you mean you don't want to be the Alpha of your pack?" she asked looking up at him. She couldn't believe that this was the same Wer that she had wanted to fight this morning but she guessed after spending some time with him and going though their current situation she had grown fond of him.
Alex looked back at her and said "Well the whole thing with my pack and father is i should be perfect and on top of everything...They don't understand that everyone makes mistakes." He looked at her then laid his head on his paws. He just couldn't handle all the expectations. He then said "Yeah sure there are perks to being an Alpha's son but there are more bad things than perks in my pack. They for one thing that any partner i have should be female not even caring for my perfernce....That is why i can't admit to them im bisexual." Alex sighed and looked back at her with tears in his eyes.
Haven twitched and reached over licked his cheek she sighed "so then do you want to leave your pack?" she asked not even bringing up the last part that he said, It didn't matter to her so there was no need to fuss about it. She would welcome him into her pack but it wasn't her choice she could just vote for it.
Alex looked at her and said "If given a chocie i would leave my pack." Alex then said "But i don't know where i would go." He licked her on the head and then heard something outside. He said "I hear something.."
Haven tensed her fur bristling as she listened. "If that door opens again we must try to escape out if it" she said and stood up. Moving closer to the door she glanced back at him and waited. sorry for it being short)
Alex got up and walked towards the door. He ended up seeing another wolf bust through. He wondered who it could be it didn't smell like his pack at all. Alex walked up to the gate to get the scent but the wolf almost bit his nose off. Alex growled and said "Watch it!"