Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse padded after him, trying not to show her nervousness. The smells and sounds around her were different. She'd only been to this place a few times, when she was hunting and ewas chasing prey. Shadows danced around her vision, swaying in the chilly night. She pressed close to Rock without knowing and felt the warmth of his body. Relaxing, she steadied herself and pressed on.
Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . Rock's fur began to tingle as she pressed closer to him. He bent down and gave her an affectionate lick. Then looked around. Ensom's scent was growing stronger. But the sky began to darken. They wouldn't find him today. And they would have to find somewhere to sleep. He heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. Hopefully by tommorow they wouldn't lose his scent. They had padded for what seemed like hours before he found somehow here safe and dry to sleep. And overhanging rock seemed the perfect place to sleep. The rain had started as he settled down to sleep. Beckoning Mouse to sleep next to him.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse saw Rock beckoning her next to him over a overhanging rock and she quickly went over out of the rain. Shaking droplets from her head, she lay down and set her head on her paws. The rain will wash away Ensom's scent, and there's no way we'll find him now, she thought.
(I can't find the disscussion page, I'm here I swear I just haven't had the time to reply yet)
Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . Rock draped his tail over her flank. Hope started to drain out of him. They would never find him now. The rain steadily increased until it was a full on downpour. They probably wouldn't be able to travel in this state. He pressed his ears to the back of his head, and drinking in Mouse's sweet scent, he soon drifted off to sleep.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse stared into the pouring rain, remembering when she was living in the alleys alone and had to look for shelter before it was gonna pour. Staring into the rain made her relax, and soon sleep drifted over her. Hopefully, we can still find Ensom...she thought, and then she ws out.
Ensom - Murderer | M: Open Ensom paced in a circle in his musky home. He had attempted to hunt but found himself with another mutilated piece of prey. I've got to control my anger... He couldn't just work so hard to catch something, only to take his anger out on it. The last couple of catches had ended up inedible. He was prepared to try again but then he was suprised by rain, so he hurried himself back to his den. Maybe I should be less angry. After all, I did what I came to do. He pondered for a moment. No! It doesn't change the past... It will NEVER change the past! He lashed his claws out in anger again, forming another claw mark on the wall. But he could harldy notice the damage anymore for the claw mark he just added was consumed by hundreds of claw marks similar to the one he added. He sat back and sighed loudly. "I'm done..." He said aloud. "I won't be haunted by the future anymore..." But I'll always be haunted by the past...
Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse, Ensom . Rock awoke to the dawn light shining into the den. It had stopped raining luckily. Drips fell off of the edge of then overhang. Rock felt the soft rise and fall of Mouse hunches as she slept in front of him. He got up, careful not to wake her, and stretched. He padded to the frint of the makeshift den. He peered out. A high wind blew intobhis face and ruffled his fur. His eyes opened in shock. Along with the wind came a scent he knew all to well. Ensom.
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(sry for late reply I was waiting for someone else to reply since mouse is still sleeping but ig not) Mouse - Alley | M: Rock, Ensom Mouse' nose twitched as she sniffed the air, half asleep. A familiar scent was there but she couldn't make out who's it was. Rock's, maybe? she thought drowsily. She opened her eyes, blinking the sleep out. As she stared at a fern across from her, she admired the beauty of the dewdrops. It...rained last night, right, and I'm with Rock looking for Ensom, Ensom...she sniffed the air again, The scent is Ensom's! she jumped to her paws, tasting the air more carefully this time. (Okay this was a bit weird to write but Mouse was half asleep so :p)
(double post, since I keep this tab open) Edited at May 4, 2023 08:12 PM by Riverflow