
Pay what you want section, 2-3 apples for the dark wood one?

sent it Lazy Kingdom said: Pay what you want section, 2-3 apples for the dark wood one?
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? Can I buy the winter palette in the pwyw section? 100 mush? Edited at October 11, 2023 04:41 PM by TheSkeletalHuskyPack
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hi there, i bought the lovely pink flowers palette, and im thoroughly enjoying it. theres just a small problem with some areas. when someone quotes in the forums, the quotey section is completely white and i cant read it. theres also a couple other issues where the white text isn't visible. i was wondering if i could get that palette fixed with black text rather than white text? thanks!

done Shenboo said: hi there, i bought the lovely pink flowers palette, and im thoroughly enjoying it. theres just a small problem with some areas. when someone quotes in the forums, the quotey section is completely white and i cant read it. theres also a couple other issues where the white text isn't visible. i was wondering if i could get that palette fixed with black text rather than white text? thanks!
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thank you so much! PumpkinGuardian said: done Shenboo said: hi there, i bought the lovely pink flowers palette, and im thoroughly enjoying it. theres just a small problem with some areas. when someone quotes in the forums, the quotey section is completely white and i cant read it. theres also a couple other issues where the white text isn't visible. i was wondering if i could get that palette fixed with black text rather than white text? thanks!

Can I get a custom? This is my first time premium and is it okay if i get that coupon "Whats a palette" :) Theme: Green and leafy. A theme that describes willow Any words: My OC is a female, So maybe like a female shaped wolf body? Make her look very feminine Background: A dark willow tree swamp Font: Handlee cursor: Do not do anything to the cursor please :) gradient: No gradient please :) transparency: None This is my first pallette order and yes I have enough mushrooms 2250 mush (Coupon added -apple price 750 mush) Try your best on it! I can't wait to see how it turns out! :D

Okay so I'm still relatively new to the forums side of things so let me know if I make any mistakes and I'll take a custom. Colors: Pastel purple and light green Theme: fantasy Any words: "The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun." If you can fit that in anywhere that would be super cool because its apart of a favorite song of mine. Font: Dancing Script cursor: (please surprise me) gradient: (surprise me) transparency: (surprise me) Other: N/A Thank you so much, I can pay in apples just let me know when and how much I owe you :)

soulful, Ill work on yours as well, its four apples with the holiday discount Edited at October 13, 2023 08:43 PM by PumpkinGuardian
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first, are you wanting the font color to be black? white? green? Most people express that I can do what i want to make sure the palette is good. Second, "willow" does not end up a theme but "leafy" does. third, I havent seen any of my clients come in and want a character as the words. yes the "words" is the header. but for me to make the header how you're wanting I would have to spend more currency than you're giving. fourth, Im not a very smart person when defining "Willow tree swamp" so would a swamp with trees work? fith, The font isnt a normal CSS code font so ill try my best on that if i accept. sixth, Ill have to get a new palette form, so if i accept it may take a while. seventh, may i ask why you had three pictures of your character in it? Azrael~ said: Can I get a custom? This is my first time premium and is it okay if i get that coupon "Whats a palette" :) Theme: Green and leafy. A theme that describes willow Any words: My OC is a female, So maybe like a female shaped wolf body? Make her look very feminine Background: A dark willow tree swamp Font: Handlee cursor: Do not do anything to the cursor please :) gradient: No gradient please :) transparency: None This is my first pallette order and yes I have enough mushrooms 2250 mush (Coupon added -apple price 750 mush) Try your best on it! I can't wait to see how it turns out! :D
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