
So far, I have listed that I know how to do the following, however, I am always up for learning how to do more fonts! Comic Sans from my memory is not mobile friendly! It appears like Times New Roman or Book Antiqua on mobile, if I remember correctly. If I remember wrong, then it looks like Arial on mobile. ^^ 1. Noteworthy 2. Mono 3. Papyrus 4. Georgia 5. Academy engraved LET plain 6. Arial 7. Times New Roman 8. Indie Flower 9. Snell-roundhand black 10. Marker Felt 11. Bradley Hand 12. Chalkduster 13. Comic Sans
Mochi said: Color(s), OC or Theme: Sakura Cherry Blossoms 🌸 Gradients: if you think it's needed sure Cursor: a cherry blossom would be amazing 🌸 Transparent: if it looks better yes Font(s): umm what do you have or can you do? Chat Hover: anything that shows and won't blend into the pallet so maybe white? Or a lighter pink text or black which ever blends in well I'm not sure I'll leave it to the professional <3 Bio Background: what ever matches :) Forum Border: what ever matches haha Payment Method: Mushrooms,Gear,Decor Which ever you please Other: anything pastel pink,white, with sakura themed cherry blossoms I don't like Bubblegum pink or dark pink only light pink to pastel like the blossoms please and thank you!

I currently need 2 palettes made. So I'm commenting here for when you become available again. Let me know when you are free again and I will see if I still need them <3 My musts are: -Buttons must be able to be seen properly -Lines, folders and things must be distinctive (not blending into one) forums and wolves are my main concern I will pay in apples upto 5 per palette -Savanna/lion theme -Something for my alliance Wolfdogs

Color(s), OC or Theme: Based off of my boyo, Elias. I was thinking of a dark theme, kind of similar to how it is now. But with his eyes glowing in the darkness and the words "He sees both good and evil" as well as "He sees all" kind of scribbled throughout. Not in a psycho sense, but more as in a looming way, if that makes sense. Font: I'm not hard to please and I trust your judgement. Pick a font you feel matches the vibes of the palette. Payment: Apples! As promised in my ad you'd responded to. Other: I'd like to use this image as my curser: As I said in my chat as well as pm's, it's a revamp of an old palette I had before coding changed and messed it up. I still want to stick to a dark style, but I want it to stick out more, be more luminous, etc, haha. Elias is a god of good and evil (official title is the god of judgement) so I imagine he's got this whole mysterious, luminous vibe about him. Thanks!
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Color(s), OC or Theme: a welder/blacksmith. darker colors but really they all work. OR Welder. mechanics are his thing. Font: Gill Sans, sans-serif Payment: It'll be a mix of mush and apples Other: pm me if the theme is way too difficult, I can easily switch this to a western palette
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Posting so I don't forget. All above palettes have been accepted and are either completed or listed on the first post of this forum. Anyone can reserve a spot, I am currently waiting on feedback for most customs. ^^

Color(s), OC or Theme: Pastels (Purples, Blues, Pinks) and Dawn/Dusk where the stars are still visible in the sky Font: I'd like to see Marker Felt or Chalk duster (I'm primarily on mobile) Payment: Payment will be in Mushrooms Other: I'd like to see images in the palette rather than flat colour. <3 ° Unrelated to my order, I can be a mobile tester if yous till need one, as I mainly use WolfPlay on my phone. I rarely use my laptop. <33
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Color(s), OC or Theme: Surprise me! Font: [Font] Surprise me! No cursive, please Payment: [Apples, mushrooms, special currency, relics, wolves, etc] Apples Other: [comments, extra palette details, etc] Please use this photo for the background.
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Both above are accepted! I will be working on these over the next few days. ^^

Color(s), OC or Theme: Pink/Blue Font: [Font] Something nice but no cursive, please Payment: [Apples, mushrooms, special currency, dyes] Apples Other: [comments, extra palette details, etc] Full transparency. Please use this photo as the background :) https://i.postimg.cc/8CtvQGkC/IMG-8763.jpg
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