
Hey guys! welcome too my art shop! This is my first time starting commissions on WP, so any and all are welcome as long as the shop is Open! | Please keep note that any and all art displayed below is mine. | My prices aren't too pricey!! I like too keep it cheap so everybody has a chance too order some nice art for themselves and their OC. <3 . With that being said, here are my prices! ( prices displayed below. ) | Keep in mimd I am still in school and I work a part-time job. Therefore it is inveitable that commissions may begin too fall behind schedule. ( schedules will be discussed in the other tables below) If and when this happens, I will be sending whoever it is a heads up beforehand! <3 | . Table of Contents. — I. Introduction. II. Prices III. Schedules V. Commissioning Art — available spots; 1/4 spots reserved; 0/4 Edited at March 13, 2024 10:23 AM by serene.

— PRICES — . Alright! So here's the thing, My prices vary depending on the amount of time and effort it takes too finish the piece, plus what you've ordered! – Fullbodies: I can only do unshaded pieces as of right now as I'm still practising. - I. These prices listed below are examples! the higher the bid, the variety!! ( KEPP NOTE: I'm currently NOT doing shaded commissions!! ) · 20 apples = Fullbody + Custom Background 15 apples, 250 mushrooms= Fullbody + Simple backgrounds (simple colors, simple color contrasts, etc. ) 10 apples, 250 mushrooms= Fullbody + transparent background/solid color background. · Headshots: Super excited about doing these as I'm quite talented with avatars and little icons!! ( this and the icons are [in my opinion] the cheapest option ^^ ) · 15 apples, 250 mushrooms= Headshot + background of choice! (custom background. ) 10 apples, 250 mushrooms = Headshot + Solid color background. 5 apples, 850 mushrooms= Headshot + Transparent background/Solid color background. · Icons: Last but not least, my favorite. <3 These can be done in literally ANY artstyle as I like too experiment! · 5 apples, 150 mushrooms = Icon + Custom background. 2 apples, 650 mushrooms = Icon + Solid color/Gradient background. 850 mushrooms = Icon + Transparent background. | Edited at March 13, 2024 01:20 AM by serene.

— SCHEDULES — · Let's talk about Activity and Inactivity. Recently, I've been slacking off with assignments. Therefore, my activity on WPG can be a little.. spotty. If and when this happens, I'll alert those who've ordered from me too let them know ahead of time that their commission (s) is/are on hold too avoid any confusion. - | Edited at March 12, 2024 07:59 PM by serene.

— COMMISSIONING ART — · This is the fun part. As I've mentioned before; I love to experiment! Therefore, my artstyle can vary. I like to use a variety of brushes and filters on my art to give it life and, again, variety!! - Art Examples. Here we are. The moment you've all been waiting for.. ( or at least i hope- ) . Art by me. <3 | | — TEMPLATE — · Those looking for that little template to start ordering, you've finally found it. - Packname + Number: Commission Order: Any Necessary Notes: Payment method: · Ongoing orders: Qyusen - 4 apples Fullbody+ Transparent/Solid color background. · The Midnight Howlers - 450 mushrooms Icon + Transparent background. · Weest - 10 apples 1 trns.bg Icon + headshot and 2 trns.bg fullbodies. | Edited at March 13, 2024 11:38 AM by serene.

Packname + Number: Qyusen 266578 Commission Order: Fullbody + transparent background/solid color background Any Necessary Notes: if it's not super clear, the right ear is ripped and the weird shape is a butterfly wing. feel free to make pattern adjustments etc! Payment method: round up to 4 apples! Edited at March 12, 2024 08:30 PM by Qyusen

Pack: weest 274879 Type: 1 transparent icon, 1 transparent headshot and 2 transparent fullbodies! Notes: if accepted I'll dm the refs and stuff! Feline chars Payment method: 10 apples :)

Thanks for your order!! I'll get right too it. <3 Qyusen said: Packname + Number: Qyusen 266578 Commission Order: Fullbody + transparent background/solid color background Any Necessary Notes: if it's not super clear, the right ear is ripped and the weird shape is a butterfly wing. feel free to make pattern adjustments etc! Payment method: round up to 4 apples!

Just bought Premium so running low. But love the art, so I am here :) Packname + Number: The Midnight Howlers 307358 Payment method: 450 mush

Packname + Number: distant-lands (#304085) Commission Order: headshot + transparent / solid color background Character: your pick! either of these two :D Any Necessary Notes: i don't believe so! pm me if you have any design questions ! Payment method: 2 apples and 250 mush? can pay more if needed!!
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Accepted!! weest said: Pack: weest 274879 Type: 1 transparent icon, 1 transparent headshot and 2 transparent fullbodies! Notes: if accepted I'll dm the refs and stuff! Feline chars Payment method: 10 apples :)