
Yep! You can get multiple in one order! Black_Sand said: Pack name: Black_Sand Pack number: #257887 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Full Species: Anthro Cat - (Could I get a second if possible? I'l edit the character in soon) (I haven't added this character to my TH just yet) Type (headshot, full, etc.): Full Species: Canine Character: TBA...

Pack name: Icewing Pack number: 288026 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Headshot Species: Rabbit and fox Character: Edited at May 27, 2022 02:33 PM by Icewing

New slots open! Also, ref sheet prices have been raised!

Pack name: Black_Sand Pack number: #257887 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Flatcolor Halfbody Species: Anthro Deer - Could I potentially get a second slot? Type: Shaded Headshot Species: Wolf Edited at July 1, 2022 04:09 PM by Black_Sand

Yep! You can get two slots! ^^ Black_Sand said: Pack name: Black_Sand Pack number: #257887 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Flatcolor Headshot Species: Anthro Deer - Could I potentially get a second slot? Type: Shaded Headshot Species: Wolf

Pack name: Hephaestus Pack number: 258860 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Shaded (blend) headshot Species: Canine Character: Asclepius

Pack name: TheSeekers Pack Number: 276827 Type: Shaded (Blended) headshot Species: Feline Type: Shaded (Blended) headshot Species: Canine (Also I didn't see if you mentioned this anywhere but would you rather us send payment now or wait til you contact us?)

I have a quick question- are you able to do two characters in the same thing without a scene?

I can! However, an added character would cost extra. I'll put it up in the prices, but currently, a group (more than one character) costs 1 apple (Or, in my conversion, 800 mush) Firefox said: I have a quick question- are you able to do two characters in the same thing without a scene?

Pack name: Firefox Pack number: 286342 Type (headshot, full, etc.): Group art with them maybe like flying around- if that's possible Species: winged canine ~~ How much would this be?